

Over the past 3 days I've been Robbing Banks, Burning down Gang houses and Disrupting the whole underground crime world by hunting down some major figures and I'm streaming all of this, I used my Cybopathy so I can't get banned on the Streaming site and also I created some invisible drones that record me also I made a ring that can alter a person's voice,body and appearance I wore this so people couldn't tell if I was a boy or girl i made all my clones wear this and now they are disguised as normal humans I also made some of them posses normal people so now I truly have eyes everywhere and I multiplied even more so now I have eyes throughout the whole world I opened 15 boxes over that 3 days and I got.

Nightmare Armour, Nightmare Ring, Nightmare Sword, Nightmare Eyes,Nightmare Cloak, Probability,Cold Blooded,AI, Death Gods Blood, Devour, Customize,Evil,Lawful,Follower, Reality Eyes.

Probability means control mine or someone's luck and probability,Death Gods Blood means all the Shinigami Powers in Death Note, Devour means to be able to eat anything and consume it's Form, Powers and everything about it, Customize is like in Sims you can create your own person there looks,personality,likes,hates there friends, enemies and all that now try imagining having that ability in real life and able to use it on anything,Evil means to make someone really evil and Lawful just means the opposite, Follower is to make someone instantly follow me even past death and Reality Eyes means I'm able to see through dimensions and reality. Cold-Blooded is when I like autopilot so when I activate this ability it will complete my current objective in anyway necessary and while it's very useful it's still pretty risky as I'm giving control and With AI I'll demonstrate later.

(Finally done explaining) I sat upon a roof of a building looking down at everyone before I decided to get to work I used a clone I implanted as a Top Notch Security guard and possessed him I was at a secret government base I walked through the hallway still looking like a guard and headed for the Administration Office "Oh Hey Tom!" a guard shouted at me "Oh uh hey!" I replied back "Are you ok Tom? you seem a little off" the security guard got closer "Tom? So ar-" I sliced him in half and yeah he died 'Oh well then I'll guess there's really no point in stealth when your immortal' so I used my ring to go back to my normal form and just walked up to the office "HEY YOU THERE YOUR NOT ALLOWS IN HE-" Three Guards Sliced "DIE!" Now four guards have been sliced "NEVER SHOULD HAVE COME HERE!" And that guy has been burned and so I finally made it to the office but there's like 50 bodies on the way but oh well anyway I started livestreaming "Welcome back and I'm currently in some secret government base and today are gonna be exposing the government!" {How did you even get in there!?!?} "Oh I just strolled in" {Can you elaborate?} "Oh sure" I then had my drone point at the countless bodies {Damn that's a massacre😬} {HAS THAT GUY BEEN CHOPPED IN HALF!? I think I'm gonna throw up} {I really feel sorry for those guys they were just doing there job 🙏} "Moving on so as you can see I have this computer and with no effort at all I've unlocked it so let's have a look what secrets they have shall we?" {Yeah! They can't be keeping secrets from us forever!} {YEah I have a theory that the government has been spying on us 🧐} {Cmon I want to see!} "Alright let's have look and... Oh what's this? 'Operation Cleansing'? And it's look they have been secretly kidnapping and killing all the Poor,Homeless, Criminals and more! let's see what else 'Nuclear Blueprints' wow so I guess that Nuclear War was nearer than we thought and let's have a look at one more hmmmm... 'Hentai Folder' Ok then Imma download all of this and put it on my website Link in the description and you all can feel free to do whatever with this information!" {Yeah I'm looking at those Blueprints so everyone be fucking prepared EHEHEHE} {Yeah this Operation Cleansing shit is gonna stop} {You all now where I'm looking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)} "Alright I'm not gonna be streaming tomorrow cause I need to look at that hentai collec- I mean doing some... 'Research' 😏 so byeeeeeee" 'Ok that's done I already downloaded it and put it on my website so I'm kinda interested in what they will do' And so with all the government's Dirty secrets revealed apparently they had some ones that particularly the Public did NOT like so while that was happening a new whole group has been formed called The Pyro Rebellion Group or the PRG if you don't have much time and now some small cult followings formed anyway there's this tournament that's being held every year and the prize is 50 Quintillion and many competed like a some people from School,Government,China,USA and all over the world to give you a perspective a Quintillion is 1 followed by 18 zeros so you can understand why so many people competed and basically Aiden also entered with the name Ember and absolutely destroyed everyone the tournament Is not that important but If you want to see the whole thing just tell me so yeah 'Ember' was the richest person on the planet and Ember was open about it and what Aiden is basically doing is now he has 3 separate identities Aiden his main one being already famous cause he has a multitude of Affinities and is Level 70 at such a young age,Pyro his Streamer/Crime Person/Anti Hero and now Ember officially the richest person on earth oh yeah did I mention that basically bribed everyone so as Ember I can do,say,kill literally anything and I won't get in trouble cause you already know that the government was already corrupt.

AN: Imma start using this now anyway I planned to do something with the school the, Felidae Families and more but I get bored easily and I just don't got many ideas so we goin somewhere else and I'm putting this world on hold so volume 3 will be about Aiden fucking around and becoming a sort of god and yeah if you guys have ideas for Worlds, Characters, Powers go on and say it anyway I already hit my limit of about a 1000 words per chapter so bye :D

I Also Figured Out How To Change The Cover :D

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