
Chapter 17

The car rolls to a slow stop and I groan, my body and eyelids heavy. I need to sleep.

"Justin? Get me home," I mumble, slurring my words. The door opens and I'm being carried out of the car like a child, my arms wrapped around his neck. I tighten my legs around his mid section in fear that I'm about to fall off. A low groan comes from him that doesn't sound like Justin at all...

"Alex?" I whisper, inhaling his scent. He nods, one hand on my back and the other on my thigh, holding me up.

"Keep your arms around me, I don't want you to fall," he murmurs down my ear. He sounds so sober, so awake.

"Oh god, did you kidnap me? Where the hell is everyone else? Where am I? Who is he?" I motion at the guy walking beside us. He's dark haired with pale skin, a sharp jaw line and deep green eyes. He lets out a low chuckle, his hands stuffed inside his pockets.

"The name is Caleb."

"Caleb. What a funny name."

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