
Damsel of Death

The half moon was faintly gleaming in the starry sky, surrounded by clouds of storm that phased through the dimming glow like ghouls trying to steal its light.

Nesrin had finally found a grasp of hope.

When the war broke out unexpectedly, it was not going to be easy for the grand emperor to demand a paternity test. The council, as well as everyone else believed that Izekiel would never agree to the humiliating trials...

That not only started the war unexpectedly soon, but also made it harder for him to present any evidences because that can only be easily done when trials are held.

The grand emperor had not fully recovered previously, so he can not use his influence and powers to somehow gather a meeting of higher ups, and thus try and prove Izekiel's innocence.

Once the worst accusation is dealt with, it might be less hard to deal with other accusations.

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