
The danger ahead

Third persons Pov

Dahrl stood in the middle of the living room his face vacant as he watched the stares wondering why she was running in the middle of the night.

Worried that something might be up with the way she screeched like a freaking banshee only made his frown deepen as he claims up the stairs in one swift movement only to have her come crashing into him just when he reached up.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" he asked looking behind her to see if something was after her.

Maybe she was having a nightmare, he wondered as he didn't see anything behind her.

Breathe slowly, he said and tried breathing so she would follow, and when she was able to do so, and calm down a little bit he asked her what was wrong.

But just before she would voice it out a banging sound resonates making her jump and Darhl cursed inwardly.

I'm gonna fucking kill that idiot, he thought to himself after the sound that had scared her.

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