

Shimmering light of dawn seeped through the gaps of the lush forest, providing life to those beneath it. The melodious sound of birds chirping echoed through the air as the cool morning breeze swept through the landscape.

Today was the tenth day since Tristan last met the queen and marked the second week of his stay in the Vanyar Kingdom. On this day, a commotion was happening throughout the bustling city of Vanyar.

Hundreds of elves could be seen filling out the streets, heading towards the south part of the city and gathered at a wide clearing in the Evernight Woods. 

Today was the day. The day of the momentous event, the Gauntlet would be held.

It was such a huge event that nearly all the elves who lived in Vanyar came, which could obviously be proven with the current sight.

A group of people wearing formal attire that exuded a regal aura arrived in the clearing. 
