
Chapter 25 meeting the guest

"My King." He said bowing to him.

"Teacher." He said nodding to him. "Come let us get some blood for us Vampires and food for our Witches." He said taking my hand in his.

"Agreed." Father said.

I sighed as I walked with him and spoke low. "You did not call him here to be my guard did you?" I asked him.

"Of course I did and before you start I almost lost Amaila before we were married. I understand you are the knight to beat of the clan and I respect that. But I will not let your safety fall flat. No I will not stop you from being in the tournament or being you Diana I just want to make sure that no one gets any ideas in their heads." I sighed I could not argue with him on this simply because he's right and with the bitch that is probably still hanging around I can understand why he wants someone to watch my back.

"Very well I will deal with it. It's not like I can say no and if I do you're just going to pull your puppy dog eyes on me." I groaned.

"If anyone has the puppy dog eyes it is you." Logan said to me.

" Maybe but I don't think many people would agree with you."

" I would agree with him." Dad said.

"You definitely had them when you were little." Mom said.

"You're my parents, you don't count."

"Of course they don't count." Xavier said to me. "Either think we have the best puppy dog eyes where we don't have any at all. No he tends to be more smack smack if I try to do that."

Now made all of us stop. I look at him and ask. "Little one how many times has he hit you for no reason?"

"More often than I care to count." He said ducking his head into Mom's neck.

"Are you sure I can't just kill him?" I asked her.

"As much as I want to say yes. No Diana you cannot kill your stepfather." Mom said as she rubs her head. "We will deal with him once we deal with getting everything taken care of with the meetings. I have already planned on divorcing him. On top of that are you really sure he's going to try anything since the last time he did he your shadow wolf nearly took his arm off?"

"Good." I growled at her. "Because the narcissistic ass should be glad I don't have a Kill Order on said Shadow wolves."

"Please no I understand the desire I understand the cultural impact that is driving that desire. However which culture has a different output on child abuse is it allowed no. It doesn't end in death know they usually end up in jail. and then it'll either be a living hell for them or they end up killing themselves or they end up dead with one of the three."

"Then why can't I kill him?" I demanded.

"Because my dear child is that is murder. She said calmly. And we do not need the council's trying to hit you with murder when we're trying to get the peace put up between all four races."

"Okay okay I will grant that." I saw it as we continued walking towards the Great Hall.

"If you do not feel that your counsel does a well enough job on what you believe, it is so desired punishment." Logan started. "I would more than we glad to press charges oh child abuse via vampire Law and put him in the mine."

"While I would appreciate that." Mom said. "I cannot do so simply because I do not want someone yelling favoritism and then throwing the book at all of us."

"Nights blessing." Jason said as he walks out of the guest Suite with Vicky.

"Nights blessings." Jason and Vicki. I said.

"Nights blessings." Maxwell grunted from behind us.

"Hello." Vicky said, smiling at him.

"Knight Maxwell, this is Scouts Jason and Chef Vicky." I said.

"I greet you." Maxwell said.

"Greetings night Maxwell." Vicki said with a smile. "I know I'm putting tea on for both Jason and Lady Diana. Who am I putting it on for anyone else?" Vicky asked us.

"I will take a cup just not as sweet as there's." Father said.

"Of course." She said with a smile.

"No coffee for the vampires please." Logan told her.

"Of course I did not think it would act like speed for a vampire." Vicky agreed with him.

"I am not sure what speed is but." Logan nodded.

"It's a drug that makes humans act like we do on venom." Maxwell said.

"Or Witch or Werewolf." Jason grunted.

"I see." Both Maxwell and Logan said as we moved through the halls.

"So what is on the agenda today?" Mom asked.

"We have some guests from the Lamia and Sanguioso clan here that wish to speak to the delegates." Logan said.

"What even was his issue?" I asked him.

"You know as well as I do what the issue is." He said with a sigh. "I did not think we had that much more fresh blood when the others. We have had maybe 5 turned vampires join the clan from the outside in the last 500 years."

"That is more than everywhere else." Maxwell said.

"I am aware, Maxwell." Logan sighed as he pushed the doors to the hall open.

"Nights Blessing." Came the grunt of the Lamia messenger.

"Nights blessing King Logan, Lady Arcaria, Lord Arcaria, and others." Alexander bowed to us as I walked Vicky to the kitchen and Leo looked up from the stove and smiled at us.

"Nights Blessing My Lady and My Beloved."

"Nights Blessing Leo." I said before I turned and walked out joining the others at the table.

"Chief Leo is Chief Vicky's Hotara?" Maxwell asked me.

"Indeed." I agreed.

"I take it she will be turned then?" He asked looking at Jason.

"My sister will be turned but I will not be." He grunted. "I will die and join my own Hotara in death." He said before he seat his head on the table with his eyes closed.

"Someone's not awake yet." Xavier said as he sat beside Mother and Father.

"Indeed not." I agreed with a small laugh.

"Messenger Alexander, Messenger Lamia, May I introduce to you My Mother Cornelia head of the Dragon Witch clan and my younger brother Xavier then the one that has his head down is scout Jason." I introduce them.

"Can I ask why you call me Scout?" He asked.

"Is that not your job title?" I asked him.

"No, my job title is bodyguard." He yawned.

"My apologies." I said. "Bodyguard Jason."

"Can I ask why the job title?" He asked.

"Job titles are a badge of honor." Maxwell said. "As we learned to be self sustaining we became prideful of the jobs we could do. So we used them as titles much like royal titles were a thing."

"To not use one's title without permission is seen as disrespectful." Father said.

"Oh." He said blinking.

"We understand you do not know our ways." I said. "That is why many of us will overlook the slight."

"I think Leo may have told Vicky that then because of what she said this morning." He yawned. I nodded. "I'll tell the others when they get here." He said before putting his head down again.

"Someone really is not a morning person." Xavier said from his spot.

"Let the old have their tea you brat." He muttered.

"Your not that old." Mother said.

"I feel like it most days." He grumbled.

The door was all but slammed open as a tired looking Tacal joined us. "Night's blessing." he growled as he sat beside Jason.

"Night's Blessing to you as well Delaget Tacal." I greeted him.

He grunted as he put his head in his hands. "King Logan, Lady Diana, Lord Nicodemus. He greeted us. " Carniola, Brat, Jason. Vampires I do not know"

"Hi Tacal!" Xavier said waving at him.

"Brattling." He muttered.

"Delaget Tacal at the table we have our last Original Knight Maxwell, then we have guest from the Lamia and Sanguinoso clans, Messenger Alexander of Sanguinoso and Messenger York of Lamia clan. "

"Night's blessing." Alexander spoke with a smile while York looked sour.

He grunted as the door opened from the kitchen and Vicky hurried out with a tray of steaming mugs and Leo had a jug in his hands. "Tacal I am glad I was right." She said as she moved to us placing my cup in front of me then my father in front of him and then slapped her brother in the back of the head. "Wake up, drink your tea." She said as she placed it infront of him.

"Thanks Brat!" He said as he sat up and drank his tea.

"Tacal." She said, setting him in front of him.

"Thanks Vick." He said.

"Your welcome." She said with a smile.

"Chief Vicky may this Messenger trouble you for a cup of tea?" Alexander asked her.

"Of course I will bring the honey out so you can sweeten it yourself." She nodded to him.

"Thank you Chef Vicky." He nodded to her.

"MY KING!" I think we all looked up as two guards came flying in slamming the doors open.

"What is it?" He asked standing up I don't think we have seen them move that fast in a while.

"Your brother my king." He said. "He is standing at the town's edge demanding your attention. He has a human from the outside with him."

"Oh for the love of death!" He growls. I move to stand when Logan pushed me back into my seat. "I am begging you to stay here and watch our family and our guests. Maxwell come with me." He tells us.

"Of course my love." I said as I almost broke the arms of my chair as he and Maxwell left.

"You know he is not trying to baby you. He wants you here because he knows you can protect those who are not Vampires best." Father said low to me.

I know I know but that does not mean I am not angry I am worried." I tell him. "What Human does he have and did he attack the group." I asked him.

"No. He did not. I can tell you that much. I put shadows down at the Gateway to make sure he could not. Who else he has came into the end willingly." Father said to me.

"Night's blessing." Kat said as she and the others join us.

"Night's Blessing." Came the quier.

"What had King Logan mock nineing it out of here?" Nerman asked.

"Mock nineing?" Kat asked for us.

"It's a term for a unit of speed."

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