
A House

"Long ago..." The armoured gorilla started.

I wasn't about to listen to a novel, especially one that starts with, "Long ago."

"Cut it short, meatball, just tell us why you came here." I stopped him before he got very far.

I wasn't a very polite person. Well, I was, but not to people who had literally just attacked me.

"Ah, I-I'm sorry... Well, long story short, my boss is interested in advancing the evolution of humanity as a whole." He started.

"And?" I was waiting for him to tell us the point of them going after Saitama.

Oh wait, that was obvious. His strength was why. Since he is interested in evolution and Saitama defies, like, every law, he would be interesting.

Armoured Gorilla directed his attention toward Saitama, "My boss has become very curious about your body."

'Wow, he could have worded that better.'

"I'm not interested in dudes." Saitama responded aptly.

That was an example of why he should have said it differently.

"You misunderstood master." Genos started.

"Yeah, I think he wants to research how you're so strong." I told him.

"If we don't do anything he'll probably keep coming after us." Genos concluded.

"Cool, we attack him first then." I chimed in.

"Sure, let's go." Saitama agreed to it immediately and started walking away.

Knowing his decisiveness I followed him.

"Okay," Genos sat for a second before realizing that we were to leave immediately, "Right now?" He asked.

"There is a sale tomorrow, can't do it then." He waved a flier beside him.

I peaked at the flier and saw that the date said Saturday on it. Wasn't today Saturday?

"Saitama." I stopped him.

"Hm? What?"

"It's Saturday today." I said seriously. I knew how much he cared about these sales. We must be frugal if we don't want to work.

"Oh? Oh! Thank you, I almost made a vital mistake. Genos!" He turned to the cyborg who was lightly interrogating the Armoured Gorilla about other cyborgs.

Genos was holding onto the sales paper. I was somewhat surprised that he hadn't noticed the date was today, especially considering he is a cyborg.

"Yes, master!" He turned to Saitama.

"I'm going grocery shopping, you watch my stuff." Saitama told him with a serious face that I couldn't quite take seriously, especially considering the context.

"Of course!" Genos stood at attention.

"You know I could watch your stuff." I told him. I didn't exactly trust Genos considering his actions.

"Ah, I wouldn't want to bother you. You said you had a master of your own, right? Go learn some stuff." He waved me off.

I hadn't been there in a little while, so I might as well. Bang probably has plenty he could teach me still considering his prowess.

"Ah, what if I take care of the House of Evolution for you?" I wanted to take care of it, mostly just to test how powerful I was. With Genos helping me I couldn't exactly get the scope of my own abilities against them.

Sure I had tested myself a little while ago, but I was much stronger since fighting those bugs.

Well about as much as training a few times a week in the last few months could get me. Nothing like Saitama, who, despite his power, trains every day with the same schedule.

He has some real dedication. I am honestly surprised he keeps training, especially with how much he complains about being too strong.

"Sure, I don't want to be bothered if that guy comes after me again. Especially if my ceiling gets broken again." Saitama was seriously peeved about that. To be fair, I would too.

"Wait, master!" Genos stopped Saitama before he could go again.


"I will go too!"

"Huh? Sure, whatever." Saitama left us both behind. Now I'll have to deal with Genos for who knows how long, but I guess I will just take whatever life throws at us.


Me and Genos were well on our way toward the House of Evolution. I am glad that Genos decided to lead us since he can actually know the location.

Convenience of cyborgs I suppose.

Genos had some crazy athletic ability. Thankfully I was able to keep up. Something about my dream powers is that it seems that any effect I dream about that affects my body seems to stay true after I wake up fully.

So I was physically very powerful, but I suppose one weakness I had was that I don't take hits all too well.

A glass cannon if you will.

It's fairly hard to imagine me just not being hurt by large monsters. I know I CAN, but it's like a self-imposed limiter. It's also why I am not ridiculously strong like Saitama. I can't ever imagine even being half as strong as him.

It would be especially hard to imagine all that if I can't focus, because I don't know how to activate it other than getting knocked out.

We arrived at a large dilapidated building.

Based on observation, I don't think this is the actual base.

"This is the place the gorilla told us about." Genos commented.

"Ya, I don't think this is the real place. Seems a little too out of shape to still be used."

Maybe the gorilla lied, but I don't think it would have had the confidence.

"An eight story tower doesn't seem much like a lab eith-"


Genos had blown away the whole building along with a large part of the landscape behind it.

"Holy shit! Warn me before you blow the whole thing away." I berated Genos.

"Sorry, but the most efficient way to finish this was to destroy them all in one go." Genos apologized.

He was polite but it was very monotone so I don't know if I should have accepted the apology.

"Whatever, let's just look for the actual base."

"Actual base?"

"Did you not just hear what I said?"

I ignored him and searched around, finding a trap door that was a little singed and covered in a bit of debris.

Well, I say trapdoor, but I am not exactly sure if I can even open this.

"Can you blow this up too?" I asked Genos. He seemed keen on blowing things up.

"I thought you would bust it open." He stared blankly.

"I ain't Saitama buddy, I can dent this but it'll hurt my hand, or even break it, so I would rather not. I could probably do it safely but it would take too long." It took more convincing than I would have wanted.

"Very well."

He blew it up creating a small area he could lift it from easier and walked in.


A/N: This took a little bit to write, but that's because I got really into Friday Night Funkin' stuff and I have gotten really good at it.

Sorry - not sorry it took so long

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