
A whole new world

Several hours later

"It's been hours since the escape pod ran out of fuel" said Rex as he wrote in his journal after he woke up from the blast. A few hours had passed and he feared that he might possibly die in space so he decided to write in his journal.

He had been keeping record of the things he did with his friends and family so if he had another memory thing, his friends would read from his journal and tell him the things he did to try and jog his memory back.

"That space station explosion sent my escape pod off course and shot it straight out into the dark reaches of space. If I could I unlock the door I would form my wings and try and fly back. Except I don't have my helmet which it blew with the station and I can't breathe in space."

"I tried using my nanites to try and fly back but the engines are too small and not powerful enough to turn the ship around. My nanites are keeping my energy up but I need food soon. I don't know what's out there but I hope there's a place for me to stop at. I don't know if I'll make it but if I do I've got to either figure a way back home or try and build a spacesuit of my own to fly back home."

Rex sighed as put his journal down and sighed in a tired way. He then looked out the small window of his escape pod. He saw stars and comets and colorful streaks in space but he couldn't see a planet anywhere. Rex opened his journal and finished it.

"I don't see any forms of civilization anywhere. I have to have hope that I'll find a place to stop by at. Well I guess hope is all I have left. I know that the guys are working on a way to find me. I just hope they be able to do something. I know they will they wouldn't just leave me. Until then I have to have hope."

He then closed his journal put it in his jacket and went to sleep, to pass time.

Suddenly the pod started to shake and rattle. It woke Rex up and he yawned. "I wonder how long I've been asleep". He sat up and looked out the window of the pod. He saw what was making the pod shake and rattle. It was entering an atmosphere and it was burning up. Without any power the heat shield was down. Rex used his nanites to try and turn it on it didn't work. So thinking on his feet, Rex formed his Smack Hands and pressed them to the wall of the pod to try and block out the heat the best he could, to act like a heat shield.

"I better hold on to something" he said as the pod entered the planets air. " Its going to be a bumpy ride". As the pod continued to shake, Rex shouted "Geeerrronnimmmooo"


Third person POV

It's had been weeks since Korra and her friends defeated the Red Lotus army. All the original members that tried to kidnap Korra before were dead. All but Zaheer.

He was the last one to survive and was finally captured once again. All was well except for Korra. The Red Lotus army had injected her with poison and it forced her to turn into the Avatar state.

They tried to kill her but to no avail. She was too powerful for them to handle. As a result Bolin and Mako came in to try and save her. Ming-Hau fought with Mako and ended up getting electrocuted by him, which killed her. Bolin fought with Ghazan and Ghazan had his butt handed to him. But he said he wasn't going back to jail. So if he was going down he was going to take everyone down. He lava-bended the room and tried to kill everyone but just ended up killing himself. Mako and Bolin got out safe.

Korra tried to fight Zaheer as they both flew around the canyon, and while she was still in the Avatar state, she couldn't stop the poison in her system. As a result she couldn't keep fighting. The Airbenders that were below her and started to make a wind vortex to try and stop Zaheer as he tried to get away.

Korra threw the chain on her arm at him and it wrapped around his leg and they were both pulled down. Suyin and Lin earth bended Zaheer so he couldn't move. Speaking of not moving, neither was Korra as she just laid on the ground. Her father, Tonraq, held Korra in his arms and watched as his daughter slowly closed her eyes and he cried.

Zaheer saw, as he was captured, as the Avatar was slowly dying and thought proudly that he had done it. The Avatar was finally dead. There would finally be freedom and prosperity in the world.

As he saw this he started to giggle "What are you laughing about" said Lin Beifong

"You're too late. The poison has been in her system for too long. She's dead. The Avatar is dead" said Zaheer with pride.

"But you can get it out of her. The poison is metallic" said Jinora.

Suyin ran over to Korra and started metal bending the poison out of her system. Everyone watched with hopeful faces that this would work. That Korra would live again. She continued to move her arms from Korea's feet to her shoulders and finally metal bended all the poison out of her mouth. Korra coughed hard as Suyin threw the poison away. She looked up and saw her father with tears in his eyes.

"Dad. You're ok", said Korra.

"I'm here for you. I'm never going to let you go" said Tonraq as he hugged his daughter.

"No. No. You can't stop this. You can't stop the revolution. It's already begun. You can't sto...hmph" screamed Zaheer till Bolin stuffed his sock in Zaheer's mouth.

"Look. I put a sock in it. Literally" laughed Bolin. It was over. The Red Lotus was finally defeated.

2 weeks later

Korra was getting ready for a ceremony late today. She had been confined to a wheelchair since the poison in her body took a toll on her ability to walk.

Asami came in and talked to her that she was going to get better and that she just needed to hang in there. She and the others went to the Airbending ceremony for Jinora's achievement of becoming an airbending master. After that, it was time for Korra to head home to get some rest. Everyone waved goodbye to each other and Bolin kept saying to write back as soon as she got there.

1 week later

Korra was sleeping in her parents castle. But she woke up with a fright when she had nightmares about her fight with Zaheer. Feeling like she needed to get some fresh air to try and clear her mind, she got into her wheelchair and rolled out of her bedroom and onto a balcony.

Midnight lights shone brightly in the nightsky as Korra just looked out into the open. She heard footsteps and saw that it was her mother, Senna.

"Can't sleep again" she said as she knelt next to her daughter. All Korra did was drool her head down.

"Honey you're father and I have given you as much space as you needed and we're worried. We don't want to push you but will you please go see Katara. You need some help."

"I don't know mom. I don't know if I can do it. I'm the most powerful bender in the world but yet I could be taken down so easy. I'll just get my butt handed to me again even when I get better."

"Sweetheart, you will not get your butt kicked again. You just have to believe that you'll get better. That you'll become stronger. That you will save the world. Like what your friends are doing right now. Korra you are one of the strongest girls I've ever known I don't believe that you would just give up on it. You will get better. I know you'll..." said Senna but stopped as she looked at Korra who had a worried look on her face.

Senna looked in Korra's direction and saw a giant flaming meteor coming towards the castle. She and Korra watched as the meteor flew above them and hit part of the castle tower and kept flying right on by. They both looked up and saw where the meteor had landed. Close to the spirit portal. They heard stomping footsteps come upstairs. It was Tonraq and a couple of water tribe soldiers. He ran to his wife and daughter saying

"Are you guys ok".

"Yes we are. That scared us a little but we're ok" said Senna.

"Ok. Me and a couple of soldiers are going to see what that was. You stay here and watch Korra." Senna nodded yes. Tonraq kissed his wife and hugged his daughter and ran down stairs to find what that thing was that crashed.

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