
Please guide me, Father

Theo's POV:

Highland Faes are the biggest hypocrites in all three realms. Whatever is happening now in the Chapel is proof of that. 

These are the ones who cursed Celestia—now they are criticizing her. And Oberon was deadly silent when he should be taking the side of his so-called daughter. 

Celestia should at least now try to see the true nature of these pride-filled Highland Faes—but my love is still innocent. She is now feeling guilty for letting her father down. But in reality, Oberon is the one who is letting her down.

Why doesn't she understand that these people are unfair to her? These people are taking her for granted, and she doesn't even know that she is being used! 

Then something surprising happened. The loyal slave Edwin started to speak in favor of Celestia. For a moment, I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. 

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