
At A New Home

I'd stayed in the cave practicing with Jaxon. I've never used weapons because my mom's too worried and those too are highly confiscated too and you'll be put to death if you're caught with them. However, if your guardian says so, you can practice at school to try to be a hero, although, I think it's more for fun since we don't really have heroes anymore. The heroes are the ones who can live in the forest for at least three days to get information and return.

I hear the crickets chirp outside our little home, we haven't had many bugs in our cave, but I'm sure they're in here often, I often woke to itchy red spots with little red bumps all over me. I don't mind the bites though. I'm actually pretty happy that there're bugs at all. At home, there aren't bugs, I doubted their very existence in fact. but they are very real. Butterflies look like small, comorful, birds, I'll never really get used to their bright colors.

After a long day of practicing I got in my hammock, Jaxon was already sleeping silently in the hammock next to me. I saw Jaxon tossing and turning in his sleep, but I was asleep before I could even think anything about it.


I walked towards Graham's house smiling. I love visiting Graham. He's got a nice mother. The long path to his home lays right off the road. I finally reached his house and knocked on the door excited to see him. We were both in the same school in eighth grade. He's my best and only friend.

"Well hello there," Graham said standing in the doorway, smiling, and purposely blocking the whole door. I let a smile shine through my face.

"Oh come on!" I said, hitting him lightly on his arm. He dramatically stumbled back.

"I think I'm dying" he said as he dramatically grabbed me and we tumbled to the ground laughing.

I rolled over so that I was facing him. We layed here for a moment and he ran his hand through my long jet-black hair which he always called "unnatural". It's like time stopped and we're laying alone in an empty void together.

I wonder if we're gonna kiss. Our relationship has always been a little complicated after all. There were footsteps coming from the living room, which was only a room over. We both stood up as fast as possible.

A moment later, we heard his mothers cheery voice and we both jump up as quickly as possible. I saw Graham's mother's bright smile. Did she see us? I wander. She gave me a hug, her greying brown hair tickling my cheeks. "Well how are you dear?'' she asked, taking a step back. "I'm great! How are you?"

She tucked a loose piece of hair form her bun behind her ear."Oh, I'm doing just fine dear!" she said in a happy, excited voice.

"Will you be staying for dinner?" she asked. I opened my mouth to speak, but Graham answered before I could. "We were actually gonna head out," he said. Her smile fell a little, but the light in her eyes remained the same.

"Oh! Well another time then! Have fun, and be home before curfew, I don't want them to cut off any of your fingers." Graham's mother said a little bit too casually.

But that was the rule, and everyone knew it. If you're out past sun-set you lose a finger, and if you don't have any of them left, are put to death. It's far too strict in my opinion, but I can't do anything about it. No one can.

That night was the most beautiful night of my life, but also one of the worst.


That morning, I didn't wake up to the usual sizzling sound, and the smell of breakfast cooking, Jaxon was getting his stuff together. "What are you doing?"

"We've run out of food," he said. "Tonight I'll be getting food."

"Well there's no way I'm gonna stay here while your hunting."

Jaxon let out a long sigh, "I figured." he said under his breath, "Well, I guess we're having fish again then. Get your bag together, make sure its the one for Willow"

I got it ready excitedly, I probably looked like a two year-old on her birthday, because I didn't think he'd ever let me go out again. And honestly, who would blame him? Last time, I nearly got myself killed and then blamed him for it. I've honestly never been great at apologies though, and so I rarely hand them out.

The rest of the long, plain night, was spent wondering how fish look. I've seen drawings of fish, but no one alive has ever seen them. I heard they have scales covering their entire body. What are scales? Maybe it's just skin but somehow- changed? I don't know but I can't wait to see.

There's not much to do here other than practice stuff, pet Willow, and talk. We only had some wild berries to eat and I just wanted it to be time for Cora, his mom, to talk to the stars or whatever.

Then, it was time.

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