
I was serious

The arrival in the area of where we should buy my clothes were exclusively scheduled for me. Olivi just hand over a yellow card and then the place was all ours.

"Pick any clothes you like. There are some dresses that transforms into a combat suit." Olivi suggested preferences as I keep on looking around.

It took me long enough to pick one cloth. One dress. A transformable one. "I think I found what I want." I slide down my fingers on a white dress, with a lava linens.

"This one is much more suitable for you," Olivi handed me a blue dress with tiny translucent stones on the chest part. I shaked my head, it was not my style and I have no big breast to satisfy the crowd for that.

"That could do," the store employee intersected the conversations. I was just holding my dress and head to the cashier area.

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