
As they said

In fact, Pinto wished he could blend in with the floor, the kor or even the smokes that were also on there way.

"You told me to wait for you and the others, but it took long for you to move and made a plan." Gotto said with his disappointed tone.

Perhaps it was one of the facts that Gotto has put his expectations about Pinto's capabilities in a limit. "We waited." He mumbled.

"I will stand with the others on the left side along with Fighter Gotto's unit." Joda said as if he had not seen any thing special and he left them.

"I will also follow him for now." Onpewa waved at Pinto. Joda perhaps left because of his inappropriateness of the situation. Like instead of talking with Gotto about Pinto right away and said something about him, he just innocently go backed out from that discussion and silently embrace the calmness.

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