
Rescue 2

"Why it's getting dark all of the sudden?", Alicia asked.

She's right, the weather is just fine but suddenly the dark clouds cover the entire sky.

"Maybe there's a storm coming. Let's get inside before it rains."


When we get inside, Arnil appears from the outside.

"Where did you go?", I asked.



"Kill her..."

"Who are you talking to?"

Arnil drop to the ground.


"So, this is where you guys hiding."


It's the vice commander of A-2, Relaine.


I dash towards her while holding my weapon.

She jump back and said

"Don't worry, I didn't come here to fight. Not now."

Then she suddenly disappears.

"What the..."

I went towards Arnil and kick him.

"Oi! What the hell just happen?", I asked.

"She suddenly attacks me... I'm going to kill her..."

"Keep saying that while almost dying because of her."

*Why she's here?*

"Don't tell me... Where's Cerex?"

"He's here inside."

I went immediately to Cerex.

*Don't tell me they going to attack us here.*


"Relaine already find the place where the Outsiders are hiding.", Commander said.


"What is it?"

"What's your plan now?"

"I already have one in my mind, but I want all of your permission."

"What is it, Lisa?"

"Let me save Red alone."

"Isn't dangerous, Commander?"

"Also, isn't prohibited for a Commander to leave her headquarters?"

"Yeah, that's why I want some of you to be here to take care of this place while I'm gone."

"Some of us?"

"Yeah. I will bring some of you just to be safe."

"So, Commander, who you will choose?"

"I will bring all the vice commanders."

"Vice commanders... it means..."

"Yey! Let's do our best!"

Ernesta grabs Crystal and lifts him.



"Don't laugh. He's going to kill us.", Luan said.

"Why don't you look at the mirror?", Winter said.

"You bastards!"

"I will also bring Relaine."

"I see... but are we already enough to defeat all the Outsiders?", Crystal asked.

"We won't. We're only going to rescue Red. We won't win with just one plain plan of mine. We're going to think about it after we bring Red back."

"I see..."

"That's why we need Relaine to make things go to plan without casualties."

"Wait Crystal, are you sure about this plan?", Winter asked.

"Yeah. We're going to the place that is full of Outsiders, I can't bring you guys there. Don't worry, I will go back alive with Captain."

"Well then, let's prepare."


"I see, they find us. That's faster than I expected, but well, as I expect to them."

"No time for that! We have to prepare!"

"Prepare? I already did that. I'm only waiting for them."


"You three, prepare for battle."

"How can we prepare for a sudden attack?"

"Don't worry, I have an army of Outsiders waiting outside."

*As if they don't have Relaine on their side!*

"You may go now. I going to prepare too."

"Tsk! Mysterious as ever. You have to tell us your plan if you want to succeed."

"Telling you my plan? To succeed? My real plan hasn't even started yet, Clair."

"What do you mean?"

"You will know if you... survive."



We have already reached the place where the Outsider is hiding.

"What now?", I asked.

"There are so many Outsiders waiting outside.", Elizabeth said.

"I can handle them.", I said.

"Let me join too!", Ernesta shouted.

"Don't shout. Also, I can do this alone."


"All of us can't go inside, we might get trapped there. That's why I'm the one who's going alone. The rest will eliminate all the Outsiders outside the cave."

"But isn't too dangerous for you?"

"Don't worry. I'll come back with Red no matter what. Even I have to destroy this whole place."

"You look very confident. Fine then. Ernesta, Crystal, let's go. I will clear the way, you two go in a different direction while Elizabeth will go inside."



I dash towards the Outsiders who are guarding the way inside the cave.

"Lightning Stance. Twenty percent."

I run and pass through them. It's already enough to kill them.


That kills the rest who are far away from me.


Three of them had already gone their way.

Many more Outsiders appear in my sight.

"It looks like there are so many of them left. This place will be smell of burning Outsiders."


I was running outside the cave.

There is no single Outsider appearing yet.

"Maybe they inside? Maybe I should follow Lisa."

I stop running and I was to went back when something flew towards my face.

It's a huge ax.

But it didn't reach my face thanks to the steel thread that I been spread around me.

"That was close."

"I'll... kill... you... all..."

A huge Outsider walking towards me said.

"Woah! Aren't you... Joseph!"

"Arnil, you little rat."

"Heh! Only Clair calls me that but it doesn't matter."

He goes to the fighting stance.

"Maybe I should take care of you before I follow Lisa inside... Instant Creation!"


"What's going now outside?", Cerex asked.

"Thousand of Outsiders are already dead."

"I see... so, the Commander of A-1 is here after all."

"Wrong, the one who kills them all is Relaine."

Cerex's eyes widen when he heard that.

*He focuses so much on A-1 that he forgot about the others.*

"Oh yeah, of course. I forgot about her. But there's nothing we can do about that. So, where's Alicia?"

"I sent her already there."

"Good job."

"But are you sure she gonna be alright? Maybe I should go with her!"

"Don't worry, you already saw her fighting right? Without the commander and vice commander, they won't win against her. Although that's not my real plan for her."


I turn around.

I was about to follow Alicia when the ground suddenly shook.

"What the?"

"She's here."


"Commander... Elizabeth."

"So she's really here."

*Why now?!*



"Go away now while she hasn't seen you yet."

"This is part of your plan."



*I hope to get killed by her.*


I have already reached the outside of the cave.

*Don't worry, I will save you.*


An ice wall blocks my way.

"What the hell?"

"That voice."


It's the boy who looks like a girl sleeping in front of a huge tree at that time.

I immediately grab my weapon.

"Get out of my way!", I said.

"Tell me..."

"Tell you what?"



"Why you didn't do anything to me at that time."


*What is he talking about?... Wait!*

"You're awake that time?"

"Yeah... that's why... tell me... why you didn't kill or hurt me that time..."


*What should I say to him?*

"All of you... aren't you monsters?"


"Now tell me... Outsider..."

"I... I don't kill anyone cowardly... I-I'm not that pathetic to kill a sleeping person."

*Dang it!*

"You... Outsiders kill my and other children's families... I didn't know that the time I will able to talk to Outsider would come."

*He's mad, I'm doomed right now."

"Although what kills my family is fire but I know you... Outsiders cause it."

*Why... why do people blame me... it's not I'm the one who did that in the first place.*



An Outsider jumps off behind the boy.

I throw my blade towards the Outsider.

*Oh no! Why did I do that?*

I save this boy.

"Why did you..."

"Tsk! Just go away will you."


"It's dangerous here. And leave me alone if you won't fight me anyway!"

I run away to him while he's still processing what's happening.

*Dang it! That's embarrassing!*


"Let's do this!"

I created a shield with a chain connected to it that has a pointed blade on its end.

The Outsider dashes towards me.

"Fast as ever."

I jump back to dodge his attack.

I throw my blade toward him.

He manages to dodge it and catch my blade.

He pulls my blade causing me to get pulled towards him.


He raises his other arm that holds another ax.


I use my shield to block his attack.

But he changes the position of his arms and swings them upwards instead causing me to fly in the air.

Since he's still holding my blade, he pulls it again.

When I'm getting pulled towards him, I spin around wrapping the chain on my body, and then kick his head when I get close.

He let go of my blade.

I pull my blade towards me and hold it.

I thrust it towards his neck but he manages to block it with his sword.

"My, how can I defeat someone with four arms?... Wait! I already did that!"

"I'll kill you!"

His upper hands are holding axes while the lower ones are on swords.

*I can do this!*

I dash toward him.

He raises his four arms and swings down towards me.

I block it using my shield then spin around and wrapped up the chain on his arms.

I hold tight my blade and thrust it towards his chest.


"I'll kill you!!!"


He manages to break the chain and immediately block my blade using his two upper arms.

I try to pull my blade my he immediately grabs it.


I jump away from him.

"I guess I have no choice. Instant Creation! Iron Maiden!"

A huge iron maiden appears on his back.

It opens and chains appear from inside wrapped to his body and then pulling him inside.

"Arghhh!!!", he's trying to escape.

"Oh no, you don't!"

I kick his face pushing him towards the iron maiden.

After he gets inside, the iron maiden immediately closes.

"That work... hm?"

The iron maiden makes some noises inside.

"Geh! Don't tell me..."


The Outsider manages to destroy my iron maiden from the inside.


"I'll...kill you! After that, I'll kill that one next."

*Who's he talking to?*

"Well, that doesn't matter, I'll eliminate you right here and now!"

I dash towards him.

"If I can't kill you with both defense and offense, then let's try Barbara's style. Instant Creation!"

I created two kukris like Barbara's, but this one is a little smaller than hers.

The Outsider swings his swords towards me.

"Instant Creation!"

Multiple sharp blades appear on the ground that traps the Outsider's arm.

I swing my kukri towards his neck but his other arms protected it.

I jump high.

"Instant Creation!"

Many more sharp blades on the ground appear and trap the Outsider and then I created a huge metal box in the air.

I landed my feet there and push it towards the Outsider.

"Take this!"

The metal box landed perfectly on the Outsider.

"Is he dead?"


The Outsider escaped and lift then throw the box.

"Sure he's tough."

*I have to do something about his arms.*

I dash towards the Outsider and start swinging the two kukris I'm holding.

The Outsider manages to block all my attacks.

He's huge but still can move this fast.


"Instant Creation!"

Steel Thread wrapped up to his arms.

I try to pull him towards me, but he's heavy.

When he noticed that, he pulled me towards him instead.


"You're dead."

"Hehe, thank you."


I slide between his legs and swing my kukris towards it.

He drops to his knees.


"It's over!"

I dash towards him.


He destroys the steel thread and grabs off his weapons.

He raises all of his arms and swings toward me.

I spin around along with the kukris I'm holding.

I hit all of his arms and cut it off.

"What the!"

After that, I swing my kukris to his neck.

"I win!"


"Hey, Arnil."

Clair call me out.

"What is it?"

"I'm just going to ask something weird, but promise me first, don't tell this to Cerex."

"Hm? Got it."

"If fighting the humans will just kill you... will you still fight them?"

"What are you trying to say."

"We don't know what's on the mind of Cerex, it will be beneficial for us? Or in the end, he will just use us or worst, sacrifice us for his plan."

"You know... there are only three Outsiders I obey, one is our queen, Zod is already dead and the last one... is obviously not you."

"I see... if that's your decision then... I'll wait just in case you change your mind, but not for too long."


*If... if I listen to Clair... will I be able to live in the end? Will the humans spare our lives? Will Cerex betray us? Hey, Zod, what do you think...*

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