
Chapter 16

He stood in the crowd right in front. His grey eyes were slanted and lit up with laughter. He raised his hand and pointed directly at me and laughed and laughed. The rest of the crowd joined in, they pointed at me and laughed.

Their voices were ringing in my ears. Their eyes were cutting through my soul. My head was spinning and I couldn't see clearly, their faces all turning into a blur.

And then I fell. I fell and fell and was about to hit the bott-

I jolted up, a scream on the tip of my tongue. Sweat coated my body and my hair fell in a mess down my shoulders and around my face.

I swiped the hair out of my face and looked around. I was in Xavier's room and I most certainly don't remember coming here. The last thing I remember was being in the library. So how did I end up here?

Xavier, it was probably him. Urgh, I was not in the mood for him right now.

Getting out of bed I walked into the bathroom and freshened up. I got dressed in blue jeans and a white t-shirt. Surprisingly the clothes Xavier took from my house were all the ones that weren't black.

I couldn't be bothered with makeup or rings or anything like that so I just patted downstairs and into the kitchen.

I couldn't help but think that surprisingly I hadn't once felt depressed or lonely since Xavier. I was mostly angry at him though but I haven't felt sad or down and that thought alone made me pause.

It didn't change how I felt about him right now however. I was still beyond angry at his deception and seriously considering running away but I knew it was dangerous I was so easily attacked yesterday and I was still vaguely on his property imagine if I wasn't, I shuddered at the thought.

I walked into the kitchen and had a mini heart attack. Xavier's back was towards me, his bare back! He wore grey sweats that hung low on his waist and I almost drooled at the sight of him. No! You are mad right now remember that.

My wolf was drooling all right she wasn't mad that he lied she was so happy he was the king she could hardly contain her excitement.

I internally rolled my eyes at her she's part of me and so she should be feeling what I'm feeling! Traitor.

I took a step further in the kitchen and Xavier abruptly turned around and I saw he was cooking something. For a guy that doesn't eat cooked food he sure does cook a lot.

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared back at him.

He had a spatula in his hand and an almost sad look on his face.

' Did you carry me into your room last night?" I asked not at all impressed with him.

He put the spatula down and said,


' And where did you sleep?'

He narrowed his eyes at me and I saw him clench his jaw.

' In a guest bedroom.' He ground out.

' Good, and don't touch me again.'

He was before me in the blink of an eye. His hands were on my chin forcing me to look up at him. His warm body pressed into me.

Gods he smelt good. Bad thoughts Tori bad! I mentally scolded myself.

' Victoria please just stop this.' He pleaded.

I turned my head away from him well tried, his grip was so tight. Almost in contrast with his soft gruff voice.

' I said don't.touch.me.' I gritted out.

' I cannot help it. It is a struggle to not touch you. You make it so difficult Victoria.' He whispered, his forehead resting on mine.

' No, you make things difficult. ' I said I was so close to sighing it scared me. I had to take charge of myself before I did something stupid.

He lied, he kidnapped us! I had to chant in my head to stop myself from also leaning even further into him.

I pushed at his chest and he moved away from me. I almost whimpered at the loss of contact.

' I made you breakfast.' He said gesturing to the table where a feast was laid out. There were eggs, beans, sausages, toast, bacon, fruit, cereal and more stuff I couldn't be bothered to mention.

My stomach grumbled at the sight. He made all this ?! He must of have gotten up at like five in the morning or earlier to of have had the time to make all this. My heart did a little flip.

' Um....thanks.' I grumbled under my breath. I shuffled towards the table and sat down. I was hesitant to eat any of his food but my hunger gave in and I wasn't one to waste food it wasn't like he'd eat this anyway.

I dishes out a whole lot and filled my plate to the top. Digging in I almost sighed. Xavier knew how to cook alright.

He sat opposite me and just stared. He seemed to do that a lot. I wonder if me eating fascinated him?

I swallowed a mouthful and said to him,

' I want to visit Chris and Ginger today and tomorrow I want to go back to school.'

I saw his calm expression instantly turn stony.

I held up my hand, silencing him before he began to protest.

' I'm aware of the danger okay, I did get attacked and I'm not stupid. I just want to go see if they are okay. As for school I'm not going to miss any more I've already missed a week and there's no way I'm going to give up passing the year after twelve years of slaving away. You can pick me up and drop me off if you really want to. But either way I'm going and that's final.'

He raised his eyebrows at me and looked slightly shocked. I don't think anyone has ever given him orders I mean he was the king who would of ordered him around?

' Fine, but I am coming with you to visit your parents and as for school I will drop and pick you up and I will have Ethan and Jam-'

' Wait, wait a second. Did you just say Ethan and James?' My mouth hung open, my hands were flat on the table.

Xavier's eyes widened and he looked to the right then the left I almost thought he was looking for an escape.

' How do you know them ?' I asked deadly soft.

Xavier sighed really loud and actually sunk in his chair.

' Before you get mad Victoria believe me, I did it for your own safety.'

' Did what Xavier? I want to hear you say it.' I seethed, it was truly amazing what he managed to do to me.

' I ordered them to keep an eye on you and report back to me.' He said looking slightly more confident for some bazaar reason. He actually thought what he did wasn't anything bad.

' Unbelievable.' I said shaking my head and pushing myself out of my chair.

' Don't talk to me from now on. Be ready in an hour because I'm going home.' I said and stalked out and into the gardens for some fresh air.
