
Trusting Disciples

Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling like you had a moment of clarity earlier, but it's gone? Sometimes you get a dream that is either helpful or just pleasant. That one that you know wasn't over. But then you wake up. It all goes away. You go blank for a second, then you can't recall.

That is my current situation right now. I'm just walking trying to remember and …


Oh, fuck! What the hell?! I can feel the wind. I can feel the lack of a foothold. I can feel myself falling. The increasing pressure along with my velocity. Talk about a dumb way to die.

Nope! Hell no! Nature magic! Nature magic! Fucking nature magic! I finally manage to land in a makeshift vine net. Oof that was close.

Note to self, do not randomly move around lost in thoughts near a cliff. I struggle to get down. Ah, it seems the vines are staying there. How does it work anyway?

Most of the time my magic will disappear after it has served its purpose. Not this time, it is still here. Actually, I think I know why. While invoking the magic I was subconsciously thinking of the most sturdy and lasting net. You know since I quite enjoy not becoming meat paste on the ground.

I swear the more it goes the more I realize that intent means a lot for this kind of stuff. I guess that explains how even animals here know some magic. This somehow makes magic seem cheap, doesn't it? Whatever god designed such a system has no chill. I just need to…

"Teacher! I am coming too!"

Wait, what?! Then I see a shadow becoming bigger and bigger. A motherfucking ginormous bear doing a cannonball! Oh crap. Ok, time to reinforce the net.

*Sound of a bear landing in…*

[Why did you even jump down?]

He replies confidently.

"I simply followed you teacher. At first, the roc thought you fell haha. Can you believe that guy?!"

Yes, yes I can.

I probably need to congratulate the bird for having eyes.

"Teacher I am coming too!"

Are you kidding me?! Before long the roc is crashing toward us too. He does not fly downward. He simply jumps. Headfirst.

Could you imagine the death toll every time a bird throws the kids out of the nest if they were all like this guy? It would be the most amazing KDA of all time. All kills, no death, no assist. Pure killing spree. I somehow manage to catch him with my magic.

[So, why didn't you simply fly down?]

In the background, the bear seems to be winking at him.

"Teacher, I obviously understood your hidden test! The bear may have given a small hint, but I totally figured it out!"

Of fucking course.

[Alright, please don't do this in the future. Especially when I'm not there.]

"*Scoff* Of course, this roc is not naïve!"

Debatable. Still, this reminds me of the old lemming myth.

The scientific community used to believe at some point that they would mass suicide whenever their population increased drastically. You know, by jumping off a cliff in a herd.

Turns out they had it all wrong. Lemmings simply disperse in such a case. Finding a bunch of lemming corpses near a cliff is likely if there is water that is too turbulent or something and they just happened to wash ashore there.

Right now I can't help but imagine what an onlooker would think of this scene. A bear and a bird both jumping down together. Any normal person would be confused. A furry and BL enthusiast would probably see lovers giving up on a cruel world together. One where biology made them unable to be together.


I like how I'm just randomly picturing this. Still, I would really love to see the face of a bystander here. Both of them are now patiently awaiting my directives.

[Alright Bear, where is the next stop? We aren't stopping until we have seen every key player in this forest!]

"Actually, this bear doesn't really know anyone else, and…"

"No, actually we both know one. It's just that he's really…"

Then they start whispering together. I can hear all of it.

"He is kind of an asshole."

"Exactly, that's why we should bring teacher!"

"What, why?!"

"Teacher will discipline him easily. Isn't this the best?"

"Ah, you are perfectly right!"

"Of course teacher can do it!"


It seems the caucus is over.

"Let's go, teacher!"

I have many questions. For instance who the hell are we going to meet? Also what discipline are they talking about? I only want to do the kinky kind of discipline. You know that kind. Funny how differently everyone would understand that last sentence.

[Say, can you guys tell me more about where we are heading?]

"The cave teacher. The worst place of all. *Shudder*"

"Teacher, how about I watch our surroundings from the air just in case once we get there?"

"You coward, what are you fearing with teacher there!"

Come on brain! Pick up on the clues they have given! Figure out who this mystery entity is! The roc is afraid of it. Alright, this rules out anything weaker than a worm. The bear believes in me to deal with it. That rules out anything stronger than a god!

Yeah…. useless. These disciples of mine are way too trusting. I mean jumping off a cliff is the next level trust game.

You know how corporations have this whole exercise to build teamwork? Yes, the one where one relies on his colleagues to catch him. So you close your eyes and fall toward your back and count on your teammates.

Could you imagine if the consequences for failing it was death?! People would invent all sorts of excuses to get out of it. With a good reason too.

Right now should I use one such excuse?

Can't use the housing emergency since it's neatly tucked in my sea of consciousness.

Can't use a family emergency either. My closest kin in the place is Yggdrasil himself.

Can't use the pet emergency either.

Well, whatever.

I'll just face whatever is coming.

It won't be that bad, right?!

Who is the new character?

Wrong answers only! Go!

Zombiecreators' thoughts