
Everything's perfect.

"Sure, mum. What is it?" I asked.

"Who is it this time?. I don't mean wrong but as long as I know, my son's too stubborn like his dad that he won't consider the things once he starts hating but there gotta be something more important than his hatred that made him come this far and talk. It sure isn't Link tho." I was taken back by her sudden words. I thought she didn't know anything about me, but I was wrong. She did knew what I was all along. I was idiot to keep my ego up high. But I just can't tell her that I'm liking someone.... a boy. It's too soon and I should get a hold of my feelings and express it to the person I love before saying it to everyone else. It's just Link happened to see through me. I don't think anyone else could've done that.

"What made you think it's not Link?" I asked with a causal tone as I gulped down some water.

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