
There was a time.

"Good. But remember one thing, I will be announcing the 'Will' on my 50th birthday which is right after your graduation. I want to make sure you achieve your target and come to Singapore to be by my side.

Listen carefully, if you aren't by my side or fail to achieve the target, my wife will make sure you won't transfer the position to her son. I'm offering his position to you, cos I think you're capable. Don't prove me wrong." Dad sounded serious than he would ever be.

"I will work hard to get what I have right for. But can I ask you one thing?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sure son" Dad replied.

"Can we both spend time together, if I become the CEO Wongsi Pvt Ltd.?" I asked still with a hesitant voice.

Even dad was miles away he wasn't really away from me emotionally unlike mum. I missed him, I don't wanna miss him anymore.

"Of course my son, I will make sure to make up all this time we weren't together," Dad said the one thing I wanted to hear for a very long time.

"Thanks, Dad, that means a lot," I said being ecstatic.

"I will tell this to your mum too. So you won't have an awkward conversation."

"Okkay," I replied.

"It's getting late. I will call you next week, good night son." Dad said with a soft tone.

"Good night dad," I said and ended the call. Every good night with dad reminded me that I'm lonely and will never see him again, but unlike them this good night made me feel that I'm going to be with my dad soon.

I went to sleep thinking about the offer dad gave and the ways to achieve the goal. The next morning I went downstairs to have breakfast. I went towards the dining table and sat at one of the chairs, to my surprise mum was there to have breakfast with me too. She only haves breakfast with me when she doesn't have school. Dad must have talked to her.

I sat quietly and started having my breakfast. It didn't speak nor utter a single word, I made myself scarce, so I cannot fall into unwanted conversations with mum. I completed my breakfast and was about to leave when I heard mum calling me hesitantly.

"K-Kiet." Her voice sounded sad like always. I got habituated to hear the sadness that took a permanent place in her voice.

I turned around and looked at her with a stern face. She didn't speak anything, I just stayed still like a rock, looking at her and hoping she would continue, but I was an idiot to hope for something like that especially from her. I stayed for almost 5 minutes still there wasn't any response. Soon after, my patience wear-off, I turned around to leave and almost left the room when I heard her voice again.

"Kiet." She was struggling to form words. I turned around again and looked at her again.

Why does this happen only to me? She talks to other people like she doesn't feel grief and she looks quite happy, but when it comes to me, all I see in her face was sorrow and sadness like I was the reason for it.

'There was a time'. I read this sentence in a fairytale book, but never thought that would sentence would be a part and parcel of my life. Like in fairytales, I also have 'There was a time' moments with mum.

There was a time, my mum's voice used to sound like soft melody music, they used to soothes my ears whenever I listen. There was a time, my mum used to smile which brightened my day.

When I think about all this at this very second. I know one thing for sure, those were the days that would never come back and those were the only things that were in my life which turned into myths.

I don't even recognize the woman in front of me. Is she really my mum? Or my mum died when she got a divorce from her unloving husband, maybe I was expecting too much from her. The face I used to love watching and the person I used to love... now seeing her face irritates me, seeing that person increases my hatred towards her.

"Speak, if there's something. Or else don't call my name just to stare at me like that." I said in a rough voice.

Me speaking softly to her..... died when she forgot me and left my life. And calling her 'mum' was the only thing I do when I address her to others. I stopped calling her 'mum' a long time ago. She is the reason for me becoming like this, becoming stubborn, rude, and most importantly.... heartless.

She looked at me with her teary swollen eyes. She hesitated for a bit and spoke.

"I-I got a call from your dad." Her voice was low, it's almost like whispering. She was in sorrow so much that she can't even raise her voice towards her son. I can see why I hate her.

"I know," I said folding my hands towards my chest.

"About the position. You really want to take that offer?" She said in a quiet tone.

"If that's the only chance of fulfilling my dream, Yes I would like to take that offer. I lost one of my parents I don't wanna lose another." I sounded cold and rude, yet she didn't care like always.

"Will you be happy, if you achieve your dreams?" This was the first time mum spoke without the sadness in her voice and her eyes weren't teary. But they didn't melt me.

"More than ever," I said in a sharp tone.

"If that's what brings you happiness, then... good luck."

"Every time I try to think you became normal, you never cease to prove me wrong," I said looking away and came back to my room.

The frustration and the anger took control, I went straight into my room, took my boxing glows, and started punching the sandbag. Thinking at least this will overcome my anger on her. She's not the only one who lost her husband but I lost my father too and I moved on, then why the hell did she pause her life?

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