
A dream come true

The flight home had been uneventful. She mostly spent her time on the plane sleeping her fatigue off. It seemed her companion also had the same idea, as he slept like a baby beside her.

But the best part of the flight was having his arms wrapped around her. She had never felt happier and safer in her entire life. Honestly, it felt different when she was with him compared to when she was with Ryan.

But she did not want to get her hopes too high. It was still too early to tell if their relationship would work. Nevertheless, she had never felt more alive. Maybe it was a sign that this time, it would be different.

"I guess this is your stop." Zach parked the car in front of her apartment. She was supposed to take the cab home, but he insisted on dropping her off before he went home. 

"Yeah, I guess so." Suddenly, Ria felt awkward. "Do you want to come in for coffee or water?" She asked, not knowing what else to say.

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