
Was this love?

Who knew that silence was more deafening as he kept his mouth shut and allowed her some time to finish whatever she was going through? But as he stared at the night sky, he mulled over the words she had said to him.

He guessed she had every right to question his motives. He silently admitted she was correct that he had no idea what he was thinking, bringing her here and setting up this surprise.

Yes, it was a date, no matter what his excuses were. Pure as his intentions might initially be, the result was still the same. He was not even sure if he was ready to go forward. 

Then, the last part she said to him. It hit him like an arrow going to the bullseye. It went straight to his heart. Was he ready for a serious commitment because that was what she was asking him?

Did he only want to get laid and get this woman off his system? He doubted, but where did he think this would go? Could he consider marrying her and wanting to be the father of her child?

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