
Chapter 35

Anxiousness kept Diana tense as she paced the confines of the room Kil had locked her in. Judging by the less than pristine conditions around her, she seemed to be aboard an older style spacecraft, one with a door that shut manually and locked from the outside.

Diana cursed and railed and kicked at the walls and door to no avail. The only person aboard was Kil the psycho.

Diana sank to the floor and drew up her knees to lean her head on. Closing her eyes, she felt the tears leaking from the corners as she thought of Kor, who waited for her in the hospital. A wait that would never end. Not to mention a child he will never know, she thought, hugging her hardened tummy.

"Psst," came a whisper.

Diana brought her head up off her knees. "Who's there?" she whispered back, a tiny thread of hope in the sound.

"It's Alphie. Lucky for you I've been keeping an eye on Kil here, and I made sure to hop on this ship before he shut down communications."

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