
Morning sx 18+/ fighting in the mountains.

When I woke up in the morning I looked around and I could see I'm still in the bedroom of Lady Anya . And the milf is just sleeping on my chest . It has become morning and I need leave before someone sees me , But I don't want wake her beautiful form .

My thoughts drifted to the capital where my friends and family is right now. And it's been six months since I didn't have any contacts with them . And damn... the communication system of this world , only the lord's and Maesters can have access to it and other people just have to suck there dick .

I was truly worried about the girls , are they truly okay ?I know how much risk is giving birth in this world. And I hope none of them died giving birth to my children . 'Please God if you still can hear me keep all them safe '.

Then I heard a soft voice "What is it my love you look distressed " oh .. she is wake ?

" Nothing serious my Lady , I was just thinking that soon we will be marching on the mountain to subjugate those savages . And All the preparation has been completed . I think today will be the day that last of shipment from Gulltown will be arrive. With one more drilling the newly trained soldiers we are ready to leave."

She nodded and gave me good morning kiss and her another hand grab my face " Place be careful out there my knight, if the history that I learned , no Andal knight or Lord ever successfully subjugate those people . And be extra careful with those wargs that you spoke about that can control beasts ." I just hugged her and buried my face in her breast . I truly needed her warm right now . she was surprised by sudden embrace but then started to pat my head and softly spoke to my ears " I sometimes truly forgot that your not very older than my son. But we need to get out of the bed before someone else came in . But before that I need take care this adorable thing in my hand " .

Then she positioned her self on to my cock and slowly lowered herself . I groaned from the pleasure of her wet entrance. And she started to ride me and her hands massage my abbs , my hands just massaging her breasts . It's just like any other morning and I'm kinda used to it now .

But I also miss the shy lady Anya , who never had any other moves to fight in bed . But now she's a complete different women , she's more confident and playful and also like take initiative her self .

Then I took one of her mounds in my mouth and speed up my thrusting . The sound of her voice is like a heaven in my ears " Ah ah ah please dear , oh Gods ah.. slow down my love if you do that.. hmp" I just sealed her lips and grabbed her body with Both hands and hugged her tightly . With every trust I penetrate her deepest spot . she just got her orgasm but this time I did not stopped myself and gave her no time to recover . And with one last push , I blast in her womb with my seeds and unload all of them inside her craving body. God... it's feels really good to cum inside of her .

If think about it ...She's the only woman that I spent my longest time then any other , And she's still not pregnant yat .

And that is actually a good thing for me , But I can see that she's not happy because of it too . when the old Maester told her that she can no longer have babies , She refused believe it and becomes twice the aggressive in bed, But nothing actually worked so far .

We were laying in bed both taking our breath . Though I can still go two more rounds , But unfortunately she can't . Then I remembered that last night someone has watched us from the door we were too focused on ourselves that I ignored an important matter like that . So i informed lady Anya about our supposed stalker and she somehow figured it out who might come to her room in that hour and told me not to worrie too much about it and she'll take care of it her self permanently.

Well then I guess I should prepare for the subjugation then .

Thus we did all the things that needed to fight with the mountain clan , And with new strategy for how too fight them . Alright so they have the advantage of there terrain but do not have the numbers on there side . Though we can't also use that number effectively because we can't actually fight in formation in those mountain .

But that's not actually a great problem because we are still out number them 4 to 1 . Those people have the most lower population because of lack of food and other nesessary stuff . They also solve there problem with violence , So they are have constant infighting . But also they has large numbers of woman in there fighting force so that will be a little difficult .

So we will be fighting a guerrilla war in the mountains . And because of it we will lose hundreds of men eventually in fighting and other accidents.

But the problem is if they just choosed to play hide and seek then it will be nightmare finding them . Also they won't actually attack a group of thousands , So we need lured them to us . And in need of a new plan for that as well .

So I decided that we will divide the forces in 20 groups and each group will have 50 foot soldiers and 5 well trained knights to lead them .

And by doing this I know I'm putting them in great risks and the mountain clan could gather at least 250 men to fight us . But if we stay in a large group then they won't fight us and will just ran away . So I don't want to us be like " Tom and Jerry " in the mountains because longer we stay there the harder it will be for this army .

Though I believe each those mountain clan's can arm 300 fighter but we have all ready killed 50 of them in the last ambush they made . So that's a plus for us and if by any chance they encountered the group that I will be leading then there doomed .

And our real goal is to find out there mountain stronghold or the fortified village . And the current leader of there clan because I have already killed one .

I do feel little bad for what I'm doing , because If I think about it, aren't I just creating a new conflict ? And just for what exactly ? is it because to upgrade Morton's standing in eyes of other Lords ? Or just I love fuc*ing his Mom ?

Nooo If I just think clearly I could say that I love killing people , Though not the innocent ofcourse . Is that the reason why I never warned the Starks of there Doom ? And also despite being a close friend with Robert , I never warned him that he's fiance is going to run way with another man . Is it truly because I love conflict , Or this body wants it ?

And I feel like I can't actually stop this urges either . And sometimes I feel that I'm not truly in control of myself though it actually happens when I fight .

But if I think carefully Then this body is actually grown in the world of "Heathmoor" or simply For Honor world. And that place is the literally hell.

So wars and conflict is what actually made this flesh and bones . And If the muscle memory is correct then every day was war for this body . And only thing that keeps this body from harming other is his code of Honor . But other than that this body is a literally a monster . Though it is mine now I still have those nightmares about how difficult it was for him to survive that place .

And the memories of Apollyon ofcourse, And they are still quite fresh in mind . But if I think about it am I really different from her ? All her life she created conflict and here I'm not only creating new conflict but also supporting the upcoming ones too !

And surprisingly this doesn't clash with the ideals of my knightly self , Why ? is it because in the war or battlefield there is no innocent just enemies ? Or am I becoming the character like Varys or Baelish ? those people likes to watch others fight and support from behind ? well maybe similar to them , but unlike them I will be keep my distance and I truly want to live a long life because I actually did not tasted my own death before coming to this world so I do have some fear of death .

And I don't actually have many goals like devloping westeros and make everyone happy. Though I like to but in the end I don't actually like to change something that could do more harm then good . Well because they still living for thousands of years in this disastrous world and still not extinct Yet.

Or conquest of every Free cities . like those op protagonist in other fanfic that I read with there BS OG magic power and pocket dimensions .

But I am just a man , with a limit of what I could actually do . And I truly believe that even with the strength I have, I still can't emagine fighting a dragon . So I'm little jealous of them because they get there wish granted .

And the fun fact is even the Gods of this world is not strong enough to have influence in more than Two region . So I don't actually regret not having those powers .

But I will think about those stuff later because we're currently camping in the mountains . And besides me is my new 50 of recently recruited soldiers . And i actually sended all my squires to other companies as a assistant to the commending knight . I liked to gave them the commend but they need more experience in leading and another fact is none them of is a knight yet . And I also planned to knight them after they prove themselves in this campaign.

And so we have formed 20 subjugation companies with 55 soldiers each . And we will always stay in contact with other companies and when the support is needed we will release the smoke signals .

And so the hard campaign begun and we never thought that It was this hard . Because the main problems was our water supply and soldiers morale . And those mountain people started there own way of fighting and way more aggressively then we thought .

They have somehow destroyed two of our our companies and took there wapons even the body's were taken as well . But We are constantly loosing men not because of the mountain clan, But the harsh environment .

Then I thought that how exactly they are finding our weak point?? Then it clicked me . I imidiatly ordered everyone shoot down every Bird they see .

After that we started have different types bird in our food manu . And they somehow stopped there perfect timings for attacking us . And we also started win the skirmishes in night .

So a month later they made a bold move and formed a big group of fighters , And assulted the sixth company . Claw was in that company and fought hard but they couldn't withstand the attack , because they were caught unprepared .

Though Claw and 10 other escaped and meet with us . And few days later they attacked again but unfortunately for them they attacked my group and we were prepared . It's was a slaughter and I had killed few women that came to attack me out of instincts . And truly regret that, And because of It I started have new nightmares.

But we have captured majority of female fighters . And the soldiers started to have there enjoyment with those savage women's.

I tried stop them from doing this but my squires adviced against it . And when I asked why ? They each gave me different and we'll thought answer . Hele told me that "if you stop them now ser , they will hold some resentment" . Then Alfy told me that " they should know that this kind of thing could happen when they picked up wapons to fight in a man's war " . Though I don't like the answer that Alfy gave me but it does have some point . Then a knight told me that they deserve this because they do the same when they capture womans from the smallfolk .Then the last my squire Morty the joker spoke that" R*pe is in there culture so this womans will just liked it instead" . And everyone started to laugh . Sigh...

But ultimately i did not listen to any of these advice and just ordered that those that going to fuck this womans will have to marry her as well . And no gang rapeing .

Also after some interrogation we found out about there main village is not far from here . And so we gathered all of the remaining soldiers and marched on there stronghold that is now occupied by bye none fighting woman's , children and older people's.

When we came to thehe village , We watched that it was situated in a mountain with well fortified place and looked very awesome . The entrance to village is very awesome as well because it's now well fortified cave . But I believe that if entrance of the cave is secured then they have nothing to stop us from killing them all.

Me and six of my subordinates are currently standing few distance away from the main entrance of the cave .

And why only just my subordinates is with me ? because the current place we're currently standing is soo narrow that only Ten people can Walk side by side . A truly badass place for them to defend themselves .

But I'm confident that I can take it with the support . I actually waiting for them to surrender or at least speak to us that they want to surrender or not ?

So I took the initiative and I alone got a little closer to speak loudly . Then I took a deep breath and shouted " By the order of Lord Morton Waynwood we came here to punish the mountain clan 'Howlers' for there crime they committed in his land . If you all surrender and bend the knees to House wynewood I promise you that you will have mercy and none of you will be harmed . you have until tomorrow morning to decide , If you refuse we will exicute every prisoner we currently have and when we take this village I promise you that I will kill every elderly in it as well . You have until tomorrow ... "

Wooh ....that was really dark ,.. But I really need them to surrender . Because I don't actually want to kill the innocent . And Because there main fighting force have been already Dead and captured they don't have a decent force to defend themselves . I also can't go back either without capturing this village and Morton will need proofs that he actually did something that no lord have done in thousands of years .

I still watched if anyone truly brave enough to parlay with us but nobody came, But when I turned to leave a arrow hit the back of my armour and I returned my gaze back to the entrance and saw a well built orange haired Amazon like woman coming with a well made stone hammer ?

Then Claw just came near me and informed that it this is the woman that lead the attack on there companies . I was truly surprised by that .

And then I observed her , she is wearing some animal hides for protection . When she came near I observed her expression . And from the looks of it I can tell she is strong and stubborn . I mean not strong as me but enough to defeat Morty or Colt . She does have the vibe of a leader and though she looks a little dirty and smells horrible like all this barbarians . But I can tell that if could just gave her a hot bath with few maids with scrubber then she could rival any Mormonts woman .

After some intense eye contest about not blinking first . she spoke .....

(AN: Hit me with your comment let's see how many I can take )

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