
Chapter Forty-Five

The servants cheered when we returned to the palace - not only had their master and King returned but the news of peace had reached Britania as well. This was not only good for the people but also for Aidan's reign. Hopefully this means some of his challengers would back off.

Aidan spent the day with his advisors working through logistics for the peace treaty. I decided to spend time making sure our supplies were up to date, that the servants had everything in order, and looking over the ledgers.

"There's my wife." I hear from the doorway. Before I can react Aidan droops his arms over my shoulders and rests his head on his arm.

"I finally have a moment of free time." Aidan says.

"You've been away and there's a lot going on." I say.

"There sure is." He said with a laugh. "What are you looking at?"

"O-oh nothing, just the ledgers."

"The books - crunching numbers? Making sure no one's dirty?"

"N-no, that's not it."

"Relax," he says and kisses my cheek. "I check them monthly to make sure they're in order."

"I-I was just trying to see how much there was for renovations but I can't find planned expenses."

"That's another secret book."

"O-oh." I say and shut the book.

"I thought you weren't interested in re-decorating?"

"I-I'm not but it's my du-duty."

"Mm," he groaned as he placed kisses on my neck. "I can think of another duty I'd like to fulfill." His arms once lifeless, regained strength to reach around and wander my body.

"Ar-aren't you t-tired?" I asked.

"Not too tired to fulfill my husbandly duties." He stood up and pulled the chair out. I got up and turned around to face him.

"I wanted to devour you as soon as we returned but we were bombarded by those damn advisors as soon as we got out of the carriage."

"I-it's ok, I kept myself busy." I said.

"You saying you didn't miss me?"

"I-I did, of course, but I have-"

"Patience. I know." Aidan said. He pulled me close and started kissing me rapid fire. "How much do I have to tease you until you feel like I do?" He asked in a husky voice.

"I f-feel like you do. I-it just takes me a li-little longer."

He smirks. "That cute stutter of yours is back."

"I-it's not c-cute, it's annoying."

"And your ears are bright red." He said as he pushes hair behind my ear.

"I-I..." I was starting to get annoyed by my nervous stutter.

"It's adorable." He says then kisses me deeply as he pulled me in closer.

***The next morning Aidan was gone before I woke up. Today I focused on meeting with the merchant to redo several rooms - starting with the ballroom.

"What would you like to work on first Your Majesty?" He asked.

"W-well, I was hoping to renovate the ballroom. I was hoping you would have recommendations. We'll be hosting a lot of events - it will need to be very nice."

"Oh yes, the ballroom - I have gorgeous marble tiles that'll shine beautifully as the sun sets. And the fireplaces - I have beautiful tiles to go over them to cover the aging brick. They're sure to impress any visiting guest." He said as he got samples out to show me. "Would these work for Your Majesty?"

"Yes, they're beautiful. What about the curtains? Other areas?" I asked.

"O-oh yes of course. Here are different cloth options for curtains and to reupholster the chairs. Any fabrics or colors that stand out to you?"

"W-well Britania's colors are white, red, and green. I like this red here." I said and pointed to the color I liked.

"I would recommend refinishing the stain on the chairs and the floors. As well as a fresh coat of paint. We can match current colors as best as possible."

"That would be great. It's a bit dark in there as well..."

"Y-yes of course. Let me show you miniatures of some exquisite chandeliers." He said as he took out the options and showed them to me.

"Hmm..." I said as I looked them over. "I don't..."

"Why don't you keep the samples and minis and just let me know when you've decided?"

"Ok...that would be great."

"Are there other rooms I could help with?" He asked.

"Yes." I said and chuckled. "A few."

After I had finished with the merchant, it was already late in the afternoon. I fell on the bed and let out a groan. So many decisions to make, it was mentally exhausting.

"Y-Your Majesty, shall I make you some relaxing tea?" Louise asked.

"Yes Louise." I sighed and then sat up on the bed. I still had to record the numbers the merchant gave me for the renovations and work with the servants to plan the first formal event at the castle.

"Thank you Louise." I say as I take the cup from her.

"U-um." Louise fumbled her speech as she twiddled her thumbs.

"What is it?" I asked.

"If I may...?" She asked.

"You don't have to ask."

"I-I would never be so f-forward with Your Majesty."

I sigh. "Please go ahead."

"You've been working so hard since you returned. I wondered if Your Majesty would relax today?" She asked nervously.

"That does sound nice."

"I-I could bring you some books from the library to read in bed."

"I-I don't..."

"I know the ones you've been wanting to read, I'll bring them right up." Louise rushed out before I could say anything. It would be nice to have a little time to relax but I'd feel guilty since Aidan is working so hard.

Loise brought me the books looking so hopeful - so I gave in and spent a little time reading. I must've been more tired than I realized because the next thing I knew I felt something tickle my face.

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