
Thanks, But No!


She took a shower to remove the smell of smoke and whatever got on her skin while she was at the club. The shower didn't take more than ten minutes. 

After she put some moisturizer on her face and her lips. She picked up the hairdryer and put it on full blast to dry her hair. 

As she was standing in front of the mirror, staring at her reflection while holding a hairdryer - Laurie felt like she was holding a gun on her head. 

The soft whirring of the hairdryer was the only sound in the closed bathroom and Laurie found herself hyperventilating.

It started as an itch at the back of her throat, she cleared her throat and before she knew it, she felt like no matter how many times she cleared her throat, there was something stuck on it that she can't remove. 

She turned off the hairdryer and got out of the bathroom holding her chest. She kept on taking a deep breath, clearing her throat yet, she was still gasping for breath. 

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