
536.Brood Blood Balance Chocolate.

I managed my hive and hive minds while I am the hive itself guiding giving objectives and purpose fusing hive minds splitting them molding them for my purpose any hives that rebel is immediately cut off and ripped out the most important knowledge of how to not allow the golden corruption to feed on your memory,s which I have made a secondary brain to work with the instincts to reconnect to the hive to get my blessing my shield to stop the mental effects of the golden corruption I have it active at all times and my dolls have it at all time and Dolly my version of the queen of blades has it, my princes have it as a normal package the felt its effects when they tried to stop it but well that is that and when they try to rebel delete some memory by the golden corruption and continue until it ends resistance usually when they forget sométhing important to them good thing i keep a mental copy the original of all my hives and minions yeah it takes a lot of space but i can just squish it in a box filed and safely for the wen i need them they are all frozen in time , well i did make ciocolate the best tasty thing and asiats with the golden coruption as it will alway first go for the ciocolate them for any other living thing some did notice it and managed to escape by opening a bar of ciocolate see the golden path run to it then throw the bar away as the coruption follows it relly funny well thats that.
