
Age you say? What is this contraption, thou speaketh of!

"Now focus your mana through the bow, to the arrow."

My plan of espionage to the town failed as Lianne caught me and dragged me back to the training grounds. 

Yup, she was definitely worse than the devil, no doubt about it.

"Hey, no slacking off!" she yelled.

She was teaching me how to imbue arrows with magic. I pulled if off during my fight with Xerphas, so I didn't think it'd be hard. I couldn't have been more wrong. I couldn't even imbue it on spot let alone fire one and keep the mana intact. How the hell did I pull it off back then, anyway?

Lianne slapped her forehead and frowned. "And here I thought you might actually have been my best disciple: a prodigy even. At least you're one saving grace is you don't crack under pressure."

I'm pretty sure I crack more than your typical guy, though. 

"You've had disciples before?" And more importantly, hadn't she said something about me not having any talent for bows?

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