

"What? Why would- Why would he do something like that? And why would he go to the length of writing it in old Argian, using a fake name, and even hiding a sigil on the book's cover?" Lynol asked, not sure if he really believed in Foster's statement. However, it seemed like the man in front of him was already convinved, "I know it might sound like a stretch right now, but just think about it. He couldn't just go around spreading books about his personal combat style, advertising who he was. And in the first place... I don't think that Thiodrus was planning on leaving that forest alive. He had already been weakened considerably after trying to seal away whatever... that thing was. And then, he gave his legacy to a person he had met just a day before? He was clearly pretty desperate to find a successor." Foster explained, and even Lynol had to admit that thinking about it like this made his theory appear quite logical.

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