
Kiana's Change

There were little things that one grew up with in the family that it became normal in one's eyes. 

Among those who came from nobility it was the ability to hide one's thoughts and feelings, and utilize others to their own benefit.

The daughter of Baron Hugh was a far more excellent child, managing to appeal to both her father and mother.

It was because Benjamin didn't fit in the standard of a typical nobleman that led to this, whereas Lily grew up allowing herself to be controlled by her parents and learning things along the way.

"Why not sit down and join us now for dinner, Kiana? You've been running and been all over the place now, dear." Countess Lita said.

While the connections between Kiana Wizen and the Countess were not 'officially' made, it was something that most knew about due to how candid the Countess Lita was at times.

"Thank you so much for your kindness, Countess. However, I do not wish to…"

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