
Colosseum "Sand and Blood"

The rows of spectators were covered with a magical barrier, and the battle began…

Since the rules were that one against all, all against one,

The students stood in confusion for a while, " who should I kill first?"

I noticed a couple of targets in the form of girls with a crossbow and a bow.

I went quietly behind them, put the blade of my scythe near their throats, and yanked hard in my direction.

There was no blood or anything like that that usually accompanies murder.

But the mind-rending cry of pain was heard throughout the arena, as the girls rolled on the ground in agony, feeling the pain of the cut.

It dawned on me that they were still conscious, which meant that my old scythe had a blunt blade.

I only tore their throats with a blunt blade, not finished them off.

Well, mistakes need to be corrected.

With a wave and a glint of old metal, my opponents found peace.

The audience was buzzing with discontent, and the students were also looking at me askance and with anger.

There was a guy among the students who looked like a typical schoolboy from a world I'd been in for a couple of sixteen years,

who had miraculously come to this world, and because of the power he had received, was very self-confident.

"A coward who can only attack defenseless girls.Waving his katana, he added:

I challenge you to a duel.

While he was giving a speech about how a real man should behave, I noted a couple more goals for myself, this time it was a puny kid armed with a shield and a short sword.

- No.

I ducked and with a sudden jerk was close to the target, he was trying to escape, but the long handle of the scythe did not give him a chance to escape, the blade was close to his throat and with a strong pull back I finished him off.

There were people around, too, and I held out my scythe and twisted it around me.

Everyone who fell under the radius of action, fell unconscious.

The tenth is ready…

Sangyuneam, seeing such an interesting course of battle, already shifted on the bench, he could not wait to see what would happen next.

There was a flash of light, and the guy was already holding his katana close to my throat.

"You have nowhere to run

I almost jumped back, but he drove his katana into my throat.

Or so it seemed to everyone.

I didn't feel anything, and I could move.

- What the???He began to strike faster and faster.

I just ignored his attacks, when he was exhausted, I raised my scythe and hit him on the head with the butt.

The eleventh is ready.

While I was tinkering with it, half of the students were defeated by the others.

Only the strongest remained.

I was attacked by about five people, I did not have time to fight back and often missed damage, at least created a kind of weakness.

Well, I looked at the abilities of future vassals, and you can lose.

I deliberately missed a heavy blow and fell to the ground. The view of the one who was defeated, I created, now it remains to wait patiently for the end of the colosseum.

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