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One week passed, Abri and Alice it was time to return home. Andrew picked them both up and immediately brought the two children back home.

"Hello kids, how are you two?" Andrew smiled when he saw his two children, whom he missed so much.

"We're fine, Papa. But we want to eat at fast food first, is that okay?" Alice whined spoiled to her papa.

"Of course, darling. For both of you, Papa will do what you want." Hearing what Andrew said, the two children were very happy.

They immediately left school and headed to the fast food, and then they immediately ordered the food they wanted.

"Thank you very much, Papa." Abri smiled at Andrew and ate his meal, as did Alice. The two of them immediately finished their meal then immediately returned to continue their journey home.

Arriving at home, as usual, Andrew will check their lessons for one week, after which then Andrew will give both of them time to rest and play. Andrew really loves Abri and Alice.

"Papa Andrew, how's my mom? Did Papa Alex tell Papa Andrew about the kidnapping problem?" Abri asked Andrew, this one week, he could not monitor the condition of his parents. Andrew smiled at Abri's question.

"You take it easy Abri, they are fine right now. Mama and your papa are back together. It's just that, your papa told you that his trusted servant turned out to have betrayed him, now your dad and mom are heading back to your house." Abri nodded his head. He felt calm now. He can refocus on his education here.

"Thank you very much, Papa I would like to ask permission to rest now." Andrew nodded his head. Abri immediately headed into his room as well as Alice.

Meanwhile, on Alex's private island, Mrs. Wang is waiting for Assistant Cheng to arrive. They turned out to be working together, and Mrs. Wang was Assistant Cheng's spy, who turned out to be Mrs. Wang's husband.

All this time, Assistant Cheng had indeed asked his wife to be a servant on Alex's private island.

"Then you keep watching them! Don't let them escape again." Mrs. Wang nodded at the order from the person on the other side.

"Fine, husband ... Then we will end our conversation first." Mrs. Wang immediately cleaned up Alex and Kia's cutlery. Now Kia and Alex, and Alexi are already in his room. Mrs. Wang, who had finished clearing the dining table, immediately headed for the front door. Mrs. Wang is waiting for someone. He will finish everything tonight.

Meanwhile, Alex and Kia are already on a flight back to Egypt. Alex wanted that, they would all return to Indonesia together after their problems were resolved.

"Alex, why are you like a thief in your own house?" Kia was very surprised when Alex asked her out of her house through the window, and it turned out that they had been picked up by Alex's men, who were waiting on the beach using his submarine.

Arriving at the dock, Alex and Kia headed straight to the airport. They immediately made a flight with their private plane to Egypt because all members of Kia and Zio's family had Alex transferred to Egypt inside their secret base.

"Kia, it turns out that all this time I have been raising a poisonous snake. The person I really trusted has betrayed me. I did not think that he was a spy who lived in my house for so long." Kia frowned; she was still groping who the person Alex was currently talking about.

"Alex, you mean, one of your servants has become a spy?" Alex nodded his head.

"Yes Kia, and I was very shocked when I found out that he was a traitor. However, I really believe in him and he is also very close to you. And now I suspect something." Alex looks at Kia and Alexi, who are breastfeeding their mother.

"Alex, don't tell me she's Mrs. Wang?" Kia looks at her husband with a very serious look. Kia hopes that Alex will shake his head and say that he is not the one.

"But unfortunately the reality is like that, Kia. He is indeed the one. Mrs. Wang has betrayed me and she has been the spy in my own house." Kia was very surprised to hear what Alex said.

Mrs. Wang had been very kind to her; even when her father came a few days ago, Mrs. Wang had been helping her wholeheartedly. Kia still remembers when she cooked her father's favorite food, Mrs. Wang was very sincere in helping her.

"Alex, why do I find it so hard to believe him? Why does it hurt my heart to find out that he is a spy and our enemy?" Alex hugged Kia's body tightly. Alex saw Alexi was fast asleep; Alex then put Alexi in a special place to put babies on Alex's plane.

"Kia, but the reality is like that, honey. I asked you to go because he told Assistant Cheng so he came later. I learned this news from my men who I sent to stalk Cheng's assistant. At that time, he was heading to our island, fortunately. course Assistant Cheng came from Indonesia so we have time to run away from him. " Alex took a brief breath and resumed his words.

"Kia, actually we could just hide in the tunnel. It's very safe there and I firmly believe that neither Mrs. Wang nor Assistant Cheng will find that place. It's just that, Assistant Cheng has searched for your entire family as well as the Zio family and will finish them all. take all your family members and secure them in Egypt in my base. " Kia nodded her head.

The two of them then immediately went to sleep and stretched their muscles. Kia and Alex then fell asleep on their way. Meanwhile, Mrs. Wang had met her husband, who was none other than Cheng's assistant. Ever since Mother Wang became a servant on Alex's private island, they have separated and will meet in one more year.
