
Moirai vs The Fennel

Drip! Drip!! Drip!!!

"You sinister beasts never stop being greedy eh? You've already caused so much mayhem in this town and put the magical community directly in the path of revelation to the humans. Begone, fennel!"

The man who was attacking Yvonne had his back snacked against the tree in the path he was thrown along. He was thrown off Yvonne with a magical spell which shone with blue streaks. His second hand had been severed, and was bleeding profusely.

The man who had blasted the attacker went over to Yvonne. He bent down before her.

"Hi there, I'm Moirai!" He attempted to inspect Yvonne's gruesome injury, but she refused him, skeptical of his intentions.

"Relax, I'm only here to help. The fennel over there recovers fast and will be onto us if you refuse my uhelp."

"Yeah. Well, about that. He won't be recovering at all cus of what I've done to him…I don't even know you!" Yvonne said, still doubtful. She was lying with her face up. "Afterall your master could also be after me just like his huh?" Just who are you freaks? This was exactly what Mercedes warned me of."

"Well I wish I met you under better circumstances, I mean you no harm, I was sent to scout you and is why I sensed you were in danger from where I was. And yes, we need your help…"

Before Moirai could finish his statement, the fennel swung a long piece of fabric at them. In a flash, Moirai had moved Yvonne's body and both of them were some safe distance from the fennel. The fennel had regenerated the right hand Moirai blasted but his left was still stiff, and his posture was lagging to the left.

"I see, he's regenerated the part I hurt, but not the parts you inflected damage. Seems you're one to fear really." Moirai looked at Yvonne's injury, and examined the thin dagger in her.

"This dagger's primary purpose is to render a mirage like you incapable of jumping through time, and inflicting pain." He placed his hand on the dagger, causing Yvonne much distress.

"Your magic, though using some elements of time worked against the fennel because it isn't what the dagger was built to work against. If I'm right, doing this should restore your flesh." He pulled the dagger out in one fell swoop. Yvonne let out a loud cry.

"That cry would have woken up your hostel residents if all these bangs hadn't," Moirai joked.

Suddenly, Yvonne's injured flesh closed up. She sat upright and held her blouse half way up, stunned at the healing rate.

"See?!" Moirai said as he gestured the thin dagger to Yvonne on his right palm.

"What magic is this?" Yvonne asked.

"Like I said, the dagger's only meant to give displeasure to a mirage only when inside of them. Once removed, the magic's also removed. It's more like a cursed object…no, it's one, somewhat."

Yvonne looked at Moirai with a bland face and took the dagger from him.

"Best this is kept with me!" Yvonne said.


"So how do you know me exactly?"

"Save that for later, let's take this down…"

The fennel attacked again, this time with three long strips of cloth flying from his. Yvonne and Moirai got out of the way just in time.

"Don't let it touch you!" Moirai shouted to Yvonne. She nodded back in affirmation.

The fennel continued to attack from distance, throwing long strips of cloth Moirai's way. Yvonne had moved way back to stay off the fighting. The few strips of clothes that touched Moirai bruised him.

Moirai then set up blue transparent magic shields around himself and charged through the fennel's attacks, getting bruised along the way until he reached it. He then unleashed a stunning spell on the fennel, one which lit it in blue magic colours and burnt parts of his clothes in blue flames.

The fennel, in utter agony tried replying Moirai's spells with physical attacks but Moirai kept repelling them with magic shields, all while the fennel's clothes were in blue flames. It was all now a game of defense for Moirai as the fennel was still engulfed in a spell he couldn't repel. Yvonne stood in the distance, watching in awe.

The fennel, growing considerably weaker as the fight dragged on given Yvonne had paralyzed two parts of his body, moved away from Moirai. Suddenly red magic circles formed around him. He was going to teleport.

"We'll meet again, boy!"

With that, the fennel vanished.

Moirai sighed. He then turned and went over to Yvonne.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Yvonne looked at his face. He didn't seem much older than she was. He had a nice oval face with well defined edges of his forehead and brown eyes with medium-length black hair.

"Well, you've got a lot to tell me. First I need to go check around for the guards. I haven't seen them at all this night and couldn't sense them now…"

"If you can sense these things then you'd know. They're all dead. The fennel killed them just before you came outside and would have killed students inside the hostel if you hadn't shockingly showed up before him." Moirai said all these with a straight face.


Hi guys, tell me what you think of this fight and Moirai. Do you think he and Yvonne can become friends? Why did he show up late after the guards had lost their lives and how could he sense Yvonne was in trouble?

Leave your thoughts in comments and votes!!!

Happy Reading!

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