
Wow the author must hate Su Liya

At the other side of northern Wei, at the border town Daiyi of Chu state.

Two days later at the governor manner of the newly conquered border town north of northern Wei.

The military Envoy sent by the emperor together with the soldier rode into the temporary military camp at the governor's manor at full speed.

Meanwhile at a well-guarded courtyard deep into the manor, a Tall lanky, clean shaved male with mismatched coloured eyes sat Shirtless on a wooden bed behind a screen while his male servant Yu Tao redressed his wound.

Yu Tao tied a bandage from his master's shoulder to his midriff.  He focused mainly on the gorry gush at his master's side. Lu Yaozhu winced as Yu Tao poured medicine on his injury. A few minutes later he was done dressing the wound and stepped back. Lu Yaozhu picked up his shirt and began to dress up.

His Right Vanguard General Lu Yimo rushed in as Lu Yaozhu pulled up his coat. Lu Yimo held out the military tally presented by the military Envoy as he reported "General Lu, the Emperor's military Envoy has arrived"

Lu Yaozhu paused for a second, 'that was fast, what is the emperor up to' Lu Yaozhu thought and continued dressing. Once he was fully dressed, he turned around and replied "Let him in".

"Yes General" Lu Yimo bowed and rushed outside to lead the Envoy in.

Lu Yaozhu watched him leave silently, he caught Yu Tao's eyes as he walked to his seat on the other side of the screen. He quickly got the hint from Lu Yaozhu and placed the bloodied bandages on the table next to his master. 

Yu Tao held onto a basket of bandage and stood by Lu Yaozhu's side silently. That was the scene the Emperor's envoy saw as he walked in. The Envoy, Minster Sheng was a plump average heightened man in his forties. 

He was the father of one of the Imperial concubines and was deeply rooted in the Emperor's camp. There was a strong stench of drugs in the room, Lu Yaozhu leaned on the armrest of his chair slightly but stood as Minister Sheng walked in.

 Minister Sheng took note of the bloodied bandages and Lu Yaozhu's pale sickly complexion. He was extra observant since that was the Emperor's orders. He was sent to observe the strength and conditions of the troupe and report back to the Emperor.

The Emperor was very suspicious of the Lu family,  Lu Yaozhu in particular since he was the leader of the Lu Family's army. From close observation Minister Sheng didn't find anything strange, everything was similar to what was written in the military report.

Minister Sheng and Lu Yaozhu exchanged salutation.

"Good to see you, General Lu"

"You too, welcome to our temporary camp Minister Sheng"

"mm," Minister Sheng replied.

"Please have a seat" Lu Yaozhu pointed to the seat next to his. He sat when the minister was seated "I trust that your trip here was uneventful"

"Yes, it was," Minister Sheng said watching as Yu Tao packed up the used bandages and took them away. He continued once they were alone, "His Majesty is impressed with your hard work. You have been fighting for weeks and has gotten injured. His majesty asks that you and your troupe returns to the capital. I will oversee things here from now on".

Lu Yaozhu balled his fist under the table in anger 'What is his majesty playing at by recalling his troupe back to the capital early. Why would he do that when he initially aimed at completely conquering Chu State in three months?'

Lu Yaozhu was already aware that the Emperor was wary of the Lu family's military power. It was no secret that he has been trying to take it away from the Lu Family for years but held back because of his great ambition to conquer all the neighbouring states to the north.

With that thought in mind, Lu Yaozhu put on a fake smile and replied "many thanks to his Majesty for his kindness".

"mm," Minister Sheng replied, minutes later he left the courtyard and returned to the guest room.

Lu Yimo came in after Minister Sheng left, he stood next to Lu Yaozhu. "Young master, What did the envoy say? Is his Majesty sending any other reinforcements or any more military provisions".

Lu Yaozhu poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip of tea to calm his anger. He counted to twenty and back then replied "tell the men to pack up, we are returning to the capital in two days. Have the steward clean up the governors quarters and move Minister Sheng to the governor's quarters"

"what? How come we are returning to the capital when we have not completed the Emperor's orders" Lu Yimo said surprised.

Lu Yaozhu drank up the cup of tea and set it down. He leaned back on the chair "His Majesty mistrust has increased Yimo. He must be scared that the Lu family would rebel. When you dealing with a jealous monarch you have to make sure to appease him".

Lu Yimo shook his head silently, his father was a retinue under the former Duke Wu so he was aware of the Lu family's real relationship with the Emperor. He replied  "Since he majesty calls us back home it's only right that we answer. The men have been moving from one battle to another, they could do with some break"

Lu Yimo left the room and obey the general's orders. 


Meanwhile, back at the Capital. At the Emperor's private hall.

Emperor Zhong sat at the centre of the room silently going through the court reports submitted by the ministers when Chief Eunuch Caihong walked into the room and handed a note to the Emperor.

"Your majesty a messenger from Minister Sheng delivered this"

Emperor Zhong collected the letter, unfolded the note and read through the note. "Minister Sheng did a good job, have someone deliver some gifts to the Imperial concubine and the Sheng family".

"Yes, your majesty" Caihong replied.

The Emperor called him back briefly and said "Oh and deliver this to Minister Zhu". Emperor Zhong handed a sealed note to Caihong. 
