
407. Data Collection

"Hello, I will be the head researcher in charge today. My colleague contacted mre to let me know that a new unresearched super power holder was going to be tested in a local location. I couldn't turn it down. Chances like this are one in a million nowadays." The man standing in front of Asher had shown up a little less than an hour after Art had sent a text t his mother and father. Asher was beside himself with just how opportunistic some researchers were when it came to data. 

"Umm, yeah. My name's Asher. I have a lucky jinx super power. My friends told me I need to do some research of my own so that I can better understand the span of its effects. Sorry to take you away from your job for this." Asher truly felt bad taking someone from their lab. He hadn't really wanted to do this in the first place. 
