
99. Coincidences

"Fine go off and have fun with your lame home gym thing. I will be getting better at first aid, and tracking, and sneaking, and…" Laura trailed off as she stuck one last poorly placed band aid on her arm and ran out the room. She was annoyed that she wasn't the winner in their sparring match but more so that the luxury cabin wasn't what she had hoped it would be.

"I wonder if she remembered that she would need to pay points to do all of that no1?" Asher's out loud thinking made Garnet burst in to laughter. Even she had started to overlook this fact since she couldn't help but find more and more things the three would need to give crash courses in.

"I think I will try to get to that course in first aid today. I learned some stuff from daily life, but I don't know how to make splints or give CPR. I feel like those will be really important one day." Asher had a lot of experience in bandaging his own wounds but almost none in real injuries.
