
Inner Realm


Noah opened his eyes.

But instead of the ceiling of his manor or the darkness he often found when he was dreaming, he found himself in a different place, a completely different place, in fact.

It would be normal for him to ask a few questions within his mind.

Such as "What is this?" "Where am I?" "What happened?" "Am I dreaming?"

But instead of that, he already knew where he was.

There was no need for him to ask himself such questions.

He was inside of himself… but not his soul, his body.

Noah glanced at the ceiling as he saw red flesh twisting grotesquely, gibbering, with thousands of veins flowing with red blood.

It was palpitating and alive.

The ground was like this same flesh, but it was covered by small scales, which were in fact something similar to skin, it peeled off when he put some strength into it, and more of these skin pieces revealed below it.

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