
Master Splinter

Chapter 32: Master Splinter

The street was motionless, soldiers were ready for whatever could unfold but were uncertain which side to choose. Fat-and-sweaty kept sweating on his seat. Kutch and O'rmon jumped down and were walking closer to cover Safo's back in case the fat-and-bald's guards decided to attack.

Nerves strained intense, Safo's hands started to emit heat and sparks here and there. He looked sullenly from under his eyebrows, calculating his abilities in creating the thinnest fire pillar to send it between the soldier holding the kid and a fat-and-bald. He sought to create a distance between them so the kid would be fine if the fat-and-bald decides to answer to Safo's transgression.

Safo didn't know what resource the fat-and-bald had so was ready to unleash his full potential to try to end the fight in a short time. He had not enough confidence in his skills to be involved in a long-lasting fight with an unknown opponent.

"Easy, easy boy. I'm just kidding. No need to be so serious. Here, my man will let go of the kid." By that, he waved his hand gesturing to the soldier to put the rat kid back to the ground, from where the little rat kid scattered away hastily like a blur.

"See, everything is good. Put your hands down, now. If you want to fight so much, wait three more days and fight with other candidates." He smirked and went to his vehicle.

"I suggest you pack your belongings and flee. When I will become a King, you are going to be the first one I remove from the position." Safo Nur didn't know why exactly he was mad as hell. Yes the man is a jerk, yes he kicked and tried to punch a kid, but he surely didn't deserve to die. So why on earth Safo wanted to roast the bastard right there and then?

"If, if you become a King." Fat-and-bald man muttered under his nose sitting in his minibus.

Safo's blood boiled, heart pounded like an accelerating engine, his eyes were on fire. When he heard what fat-and-bald replied he could swear that he gave a command to his ability to discharge the flame with his full anger infused in it. But, he stopped. Kutch placed himself between Safo and the minibus.

"You guys go ahead, don't wait for us. We have other things to take care of. We can't go with you." Kutch blocked the sight of Safo with his body. Kutch couldn't allow Safo to make mistakes.

Kutch's action had the effect of ice water poured on Safo Nur. His heat vanished, his mind became clearer, he felt calm, ashamed, and scared all at the same time. Safo Nur got scared of himself, he was terrified by how ready he was to take the life of another person just because the man was a jerk. It wasn't right, he wasn't right.

He pondered over his actions long after, in fact, the rest of the trip.

'What had happened there? Why was I so agitated? If something like that happened on Earth I would just curse the man inwardly and walk away. I was a coward. I would never start a fight. What has changed? Did I get braver? Stronger? Is that it?

I have a firebending ability now, yes. I found courage in me because I have enough powers to kill, is that true? That doesn't sound right, am I really that sort of person? If so, I shouldn't be like that.

What if one day I will lose my temper and lash out at someone over something insignificant and unimportant? That will be a disaster!

I'm not saying that standing up for someone is wrong, I did the right thing there. No doubt about it. But I don't like the fact that I wanted to kill him for his behavior.

How do I keep myself calm then? I don't think that I can just turn away if I see something similar, especially now when I have the strength to claim justice for the weak.

Justice? What are you, Batman? Talking about justice. I don't want to tolerate injustice, yes, but I don't think I'm ready to punish the aggressors.

Wait… why not? I can be like him, act like him. Punish the bad guys but never kill. I don't want to turn myself into a mindless killing machine and I definitely don't want to live with guilt in my heart for not doing what I'm capable of.

From now on, I don't want to push myself to the limits of humanity. I don't think I would be able to look in my eyes if I murder a person out of pure hatred. That won't be me anymore.'

Safo snapped out of his self-therapy session when Kutch called him when they arrived at the farm.

Safo made a quick promise to himself and exited the minibus.

"Toyan Ay's breeding farm"

Sign at the entrance to a big dumpster of food waste. Toyan Ay, the owner of the farm kept his animals and insects in that place. The abundance of leftovers made the lives of the residents seem like heaven.

He rarely bought any fodder, portals brought the nearly spoiled food for across the whole universe. It was more than enough for most of his animals. Only certain species were in need of a special treatment.

The farm was very popular amongst the psiora folk. People came to him when they had no money to buy an animal for their newborn child. His favored and most adored rats were free for everyone. He had millions of them.

They also worked as cleaners on his territory. Thanks to them, garbage had no time to rot and emit unpleasant smells. Rats simply devoured everything they could in a short time.

There were other animals on his farm, of course. They weren't for free, but still, Toyan Ay's breeding farm had the best prices in New Tenga.

Usually, the hunters originated from Hfan - the rotten planet, used to donate part of their prey to Toyan Ay as an act of gratitude towards the old man. Most of them were the baby animals on his farm a long time ago.

Most of the population of the Hfan, more or less 70%, was once born on Toyan Ay's farm.

The team entered the farm. The main office of the Tayan Ay was located at the end of the farm. Meaning they had to drive roughly two kilometers more before reaching it.

Paddocks separated different species from each other, there were horse-like green slimy slimes, pigs of various types, toothless reptiles that ate exclusively plant-based food, and many other bizarre creatures.

Safo's favorites were pink-furred cute elephants with huge crying eyes. The creature's eyes were always wet and constantly released a liquid. Due to their eyeballs being super sensitive and the environment being not so friendly, it was their body's attempt to save eyesight.

When they finally reached the office Tayan Ay was already waiting for at the entrance.

"Are these my lovely philanthropists?! Halazar told me already that you people have a present for me. I bet Kutch was the initiator of this feat of yours, he is the most selfless hunter of all." An old rat burst into laughter after his joke. His supposedly grey hair was white already due to his age. Strangely he could walk on his hind legs. The whitish rat stood hunched over leaning on a cane.

"Master Splinter?" Safo Nur bowed down only to realize that he was the only one who did it. Everybody was staring at him unknown of the purpose of his actions, O'rmon's face was the most disapproval amongst many others.

"My name is Tayan, you can call me as you wish, the old man does not mind. And what is your name, child? I never saw an appearance like yours before, that's for sure." Tayan mumbled half jolting. His voice was low but firm, soothing and ringing at the same time. His words had weight backing them up with wisdom and experience.

"Uhm...I'm human, Master Splinter." Safo decided to use the name that was familiar to him, the real name of an old man was a little confusing according to Safo, plus he really was the look-alike of a legendary teacher of the turtles.

"Human? Never heard of them. Come…come closer let me look at you. My eyes are not the same as before." An old rat stretched his hand waiting for Safo to get closer.

"Hmm… weak body, very weak but the brain has potential, especially for using a resource. Its qualities can be useful for you. But you already knew it, didn't you? The stone told you, am I right? Don't worry, imagination is the key and the "human", I hope I said it right, the human brain is suitable for that task."

'Oh my God, that is exactly the sort of things Master Splinter would say: "A true power comes not from the body but through the mind." or something like that.'

Safo was heavily surprised because the old man somehow knew that he got the information from the Stone of the Kings. He was impressed despite that he had been called weak.

Suddenly, the rat's face stiffened, he frowned and concentrated on something. Master Splinter

"Something else is inside you! Deep in the dark. I can kill it for you, it is better that way."

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