
A Small Piece

They decided to stay in Chester's car while Apryl explained the little that Keith had told her about his past. It was easier to stay in the car as it was less likely anyone would be able to overhear what they were talking about.

Chester was quiet but had the serious look on his face that he had when he was really thinking something over. So much so though he didn't say anything right away after Apryl had finished speaking.

"I see." was all he eventually said as he still seemed lost in his thoughts. Callum wasn't even sure what he was thinking about until he spoke next.

"That does provide a little bit of insight into why he might be against working with people." he admitted after being quiet for a while longer.

"I can't say anything for a certain fact but I have heard some of the rumors about what has happened in that area." Chester explained as he turned the key in the ignition to shut the car off since they weren't doing talking yet.

"What kind of rumors?" Callum rather interested in knowing what they are.

"Rumors that are better for you to not know about." he replied.

"I do appreciate what you had to explain and it certainly gives me insight into how to handle this matter with Keith in the future."

"You're not going to tell him what I told you though, " She clarified nervously. She didn't want Keith to know that she had given away his secret do easily. If he did, he might not tell her anything else in future.

"Not unless there's a good reason to." Chester assured her as he turned in his seat so that he was facing her more squarly.

"I expect that you're going to take your time figuring out how best to move your family. The sooner you can convince them, the better but either way we can figure something out to make the transition smoother." he told Apryl who looked at him a little confused.

"You can be nice when you really want to be." she blurted out without thinking about it. She didn't know why she was inclined to say it right then and there, but it was true.

Due to how sudden it was though, Chester was slightingly taken aback by her comment and that caused Callum to snicker in response to the look that was on his face.

"I can be at times when I want to be or the situation calls for it." He replied feeling slightly more annoyed at the smaller werewolf that was still snickering at him more so than he was at Apryl's unexpected declaration.

"Don't take it for granted though." he added on at the end as he opened up the car door and stepped. He would've rather been heading home but there were still a few things that he needed to do on the campus.

Callum was quick to follow after him, knowing that he owed the other an apology if he didn't want him to be peevish for the rest of the day.

Apryl was the last one to get out before Chester could lock the car. The sudden electric click sound that followed the locking of the door. It was far too loud for her ears to handle.

"Thank you again." Apryl said to the other two who were getting ready to leave so that they could focus on what they needed to finish before heading home.

"No problem!" Callum rel replied cheerfully.

"And don't forget if you need anything that you now have my phone number." he reminded her as he held up his own phone.

She couldn't help but wonder how the other was so quickly able to shift his attitude back and forth despite everything that was going on around him.

"Thank you, I'll make sure not to forget that." She replied as she held up her own phone. This seemed to satisfy him as he turned back to talk with the tall werewolf next to him as they walked away. Chester did offer her a small hand gesture which she presumed was supposed to be a wave before they got too far away.

Once they were out of earshot, Apryl sighed. Too much had been going on and she still needed to head home and explain everything to her family and hope that her mother wouldn't have a problem going along with it.

She still had homework that she needed to finish as well. She had thought that it was something that she and Callum were going to do once they got back, but it seemed however that he had other plans with Chester.

It wasn't a huge deal to her compared to some of the other things that were currently on her mind.

If she was lucky, Brian would perhaps not even be home yet and that would give her more time to speak freely with her family without worrying about him hearing anything that she would say.

He never seemed like he was trying eaves drop into anything that she talked about with her mother before, this situation was different now though and she didnt want to risk letting anything slip.

The only reason she thought that having Oreo move first was a good idea was due to the fact that she doubted he would notice or care.

Now that they lived among humans it wasn't like the omegas had to stick with her family the entire time. It was safer for them to move about freely and do as they wish without worrying about what might happen to them.

She didn't want them to worry about anything like they had done in the past, she wanted them to have a good life as well.

In order to do that though, she knew that she would have to be careful about everything and not let Brian spot anything that they were going to be doing.

Getting Timid and Oreo moved would only be a small piece though. The difficult part would be taking care of moving the pups.

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