
Red Qi?

Chapter 45: Red Qi?

Kalon felt the wind surround his body as a coldness ran across his whole body. It was almost as though a capsule of ice surrounded him. He tried his best to stay focused on the feeling. He knew that if he gave up his focus that it would take him a while to get back to the state that he was in.

As he focused on the feeling of his Qi being sucked back into his dantian, he remembered the mantra that Roah had told him to repeat in his head. She didn't give him any details on when to do it, but he figured that it should be after he figured out how to reverse the flow of his Qi.

'The blood moon rises in the sky and destroys seas, land, and mountains. It sets below the great abyss and passes through the void. No soul can escape the blood moon as it shadows the valley of life and death.' Kalon said in his head, recalling the phrase perfectly, which surprised him since he had only heard it once. But somehow, it seemed to remain at the front of his brain.

Suddenly the warmth began to circle his body again, but this time it seemed as though it was coming from an outside source. Kalon's dantian was still absorbing its own Qi, but as the spiralling of Qi around him increased more and more, that too headed for his dantian.

He was not only circulating his own Qi, but now he was circulating the world Qi. The cultivation technique had begun to work, and his dantian was starting to expand as it sucked in as much lifeforce as it could from the outside.

Roah looked up suddenly after feeling a change in the atmosphere. A dark, ominous feeling surrounded her body and caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on edge. She looked up at Kalon to see that a dark red glow surrounded his body.

'What is that?' She asked herself while looking at the strange power. She could tell that he had begun to absorb Qi, but she had never seen it turn red before entering the body from her own experience. Most of the time, it would remain a light blue colour or sometimes turn green depending on the cultivation technique used.

But she had never seen red before. It felt both dark and twisted and had a hint of violence to it, and she began to regret giving the cultivation technique to Kalon.

Roah was unsure about what would happen next as the power seemed to become stronger as time went on, and she heard the hooves of the horses speed up as the carriage began to shake. Suddenly the Qi surrounding Kalon's body began to slow down and become more peaceful.

"It seems like he has reached his first bottleneck." She said aloud while looking at him and then pointed her index finger towards his body and began to release her own lifeforce into the air, which was quickly absorbed by Kalon's dantian.

As soon as it vanished from the air, a flash of bright blue light erupted from the carriage once more, and Kalon's eyes shot open.

It felt as though something had ruptured in his stomach, yet there was no pain at all. Suddenly all of the energy in his body vanished, and he began to fall forwards, unable to do anything to prevent it. '

But just before he hit the floor, Roah caught him in her arms and helped him back up onto the bench and then lay him down with his back against the cushion.

"Well done. You have stepped into the Qi refining stage. But now it's time to consolidate your foundation. That's why you have lost all your energy.

Since your dantian forcefully destroyed itself and then had to reconstruct, it used all of the Qi you absorbed. So I will try to replenish your Qi to the point where you can move again, but it might take all night. But you still won't be able to do anything too demanding until you fully recover.

So after I help you, I want you to go right back to cultivating for another day, okay?" Roah asked with a smile as she looked down at Kalon with pity. She didn't know why she felt the need to help him, but it must have been something to do with the innocent smile he gave her as he looked up into her eyes.

"Okay", Kalon whispered through dry lips as it took effort for him to even talk. He felt tired, and before he could say anything else, he felt his eyes closing on their own. There was nothing he could do to hold onto his consciousness as it all faded to the darkness around him.

"Sweet dreams," Roah whispered before lifting his head slightly and sitting down on the bench before laying his head back down in her lap. She looked down to see his sleeping face and felt happy. She became lost in thought for a moment or two before realising that she had a job to do and then placed her hand on the top of his head and began to transfer Qi directly into his body.

Although Kalon was sleeping, it was still easy for Roah to make his dantian absorb the Qi that she was injecting into his body. Since she was stronger than him, Kalon's body couldn't resist her Qi. If she wanted to, she could invade his body with her Qi and make him punch himself in the face over and over.

But Roah didn't have such thoughts even if she could. The only thing she was thinking about was making sure that his dantian stabilised.

Right after a breakthrough, your dantian expands and becomes able to hold more Qi, but it exerts every last drop of Qi from the body during that process. It often leads to death in children that were too young to survive without the natural Qi of the world. But even the strongest of beings would eventually die if they couldn't absorb any Qi for a prolonged amount of time.

So she needed to help him consolidate his foundation because if not, Kalon would most likely die, and she wasn't about to let that happen. Although she was a little bit unprepared for the trip, she thought she would leave the cultivation problem to the teachers at the school.

But after seeing how defenceless he was when put in a situation where they were outnumbered, Roah had a change of heart. She wanted to make sure that he got the best training possible. And to do that, Kalon would need to stand out when he arrived at the school.

Roah had already decided to teach him from the get-go. But now, she wanted to not only teach him how to cultivate but make him stronger. She felt a little bit jealous after receiving his attack at the mountain pass when they were training since he could block her attacks without using Qi. But after seeing the scars on his body, she figured that his training was unlike anything she had seen before.

She felt terrible for him and wanted to see him leave his past behind him and become a man he would be proud of.

Roah sat quietly and focused on healing while looking down at Kalon's face.

"Since when did I develop feelings like this? Why do I want to protect this kid? Is it because he comes from a similar family situation as me?" Roah asked herself as she still thought that Kalon came from a small village and was abused by his parents.

Although her guess might have had some truth to it, she couldn't have been further from the truth.

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