
One Step at a Time

THE BLISTER in Dandy's feet haven't healed yet she was wearing a new pair of that killer shoes. She thought that she was wrong to call it a knife but ahe was right all along. It was called a killer choes not just because it ciuld kill anyone but it would really kill you feet. The last time she wore one, her feet were full of blisters and she thought her pinky toes' nail are going to fall off.

Now, she was wearing one while her body was in a blouse in a black and red hombre mary-anne neckline, open upto lower bqck with flowy short skirt. It looked like she was flaming as she walked. Her hair was in a tight ponytail that cascaded into her open back and engtaled once in a while with the ribbon that connected one shoulder of the dress to another. Eyes were all on hers when she arrived at a photo shoot with Reo. Or maybe it was just Reo.

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