
(Un)fair Fight


The writer of this work would like to apologize for the past few chapters being about Zhen Li and not about Zhen Liu, directly.

Please note that the reason for this focus is because the main character is at a simple farewell party, the kind with delicious snacks and threats made under the breath, which can get pretty boring. Especially, when one of those guests happens to be a dragon-blooded pair of royal siblings.

Either way, the writer had determined that a party scene would be kind of boring given all of the build-up.

We now rent to your regularly scheduled chapter.

Thank you.


So you had me do this quick script thing because... you're bad writing?

|Shove it!|



[Wow, I honestly didn't expect for you to have it in you. Good job.]

'Yeah, thanks, my ribs are really hurting by the way. Is there anything you can do about that, or-'

Next chapter