

"Fell from the cliff?! When?"


"Oh, I remember! It was the time when she was caught by the slave traders who sold elves," Felix remembered. 


"Oh, that time…" Ovior touched his chest. He almost had a heart attack.


He thought maybe Veronica fell off the cliff when he teleported her to the wrong place. 


"So, if this plant for on her this time, we can be sure that this is her second time being a dragon," he commented.


"Right," Urulas nodded.


"Let's try it then," Arthur permitted them.


No matter how much he disliked the elves, his wife's safety was his first priority.


With Urulas' order, his comrades made a paste from the ice plant and added water to it. 


After that, Urulas gave the jar of purple juice to Arthur.


"Make her drink it every three hours," he instructed.


Next chapter