

"I'm sorry I had to hide it from you. I feared that if I didn't hide it from you and lure you with the traveling, you might not want to be with me."

"You are right, I wouldn't be with you if it weren't for the promise," Veronica blurted out without thinking.

When she saw Arthur's unique expression, she realized what she had done.

She hurriedly added, "That was before you know. Now, if I had to choose between you and traveling, I would choose you."

Arthur didn't change his expression and stared at her without a word. His pair of golden orbs jeered at her. 

Veronica regretted blurting out her innermost thoughts.

However, she didn't want to become a criminal here. If she did, she didn't know what Arthur would do. He always exceeded her expectations when he went crazy.

Since she couldn't go in a defensive mood, she had to be offensive.

After all, offense is the best defense.

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