
Slowly, gradually, leisurely

Shen Yang rained a string of endless curses. "Come on! This wasn't supposed to happen! I wasted so many months on our 'relationship'. I was extremely patient with you, wasn't I? This shouldn't be the reward I am getting…"

Jiang Ruiling felt as if everything came to a screeching halt. She chuckled as her eyes watered. "Wasted you say…? I loved you so much, I f-fought for us…" her voice choked, "All these months of us being together was a waste for you…?"

"What else do you think? I was there under Boss's orders," he sneered. "And by Boss, I mean Boss Jiang Zhen, not your lovely cousin."

She stiffened.

"This is nice. Your family had the same expression as you~ Your brother wanted to kill me, but you know, Boss got offended. So he shot on his thigh."

She paled.

B-Big brother…

"How could you!?" She roared in anger. "He is my brother!"

"And you should be grateful that he didn't shoot him through his head. Otherwise your sister-in-law would have become a widow," he laughed.

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