
Stepping in the family matters (2)

The Old Madam trembled in rage. "How dare you blame me? How dare you question my methods!? If Xiurang couldn't keep her husband from straying off, then it is her fault that she failed so miserably! She failed in her duties as his wife. That is why he had to go outside to keep a mistress! Xiurang couldn't please him and you dare blame me? Why will I let there be a stain on the family's reputation if it's her fault!?"

Jiang Xiurang stood frozen on her spot. She felt as if she couldn't breathe. Jiang Fai watched his mother's pale figure turning even more ghastly.

That frustrated him to no end and he had an urge to punch someone.

Lihua stared at her, feeling speechless. "That is outright disgusting!"

Ruomei stepped forward and indignantly said, "Enough Lixue! Are you here to win everybody or sow discord among the family members? There is a limit to your indecency! You are just here to ruin this family!"

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