
Lihua's confrontation with the Old Madam (2)

The Old Madam slightly jolted as she looked at Lihua. She was taken aback by Lihua's anger and she didn't understand why she seemed even more defensive than before.

Lihua glared at her. Even if Jiang Weizhe was quiet and seemed unaffected by the humiliation, she knew it must have felt hurtful anyway. Whenever she looked at him, she would always get reminded of Wei and imagining them to be the target of someone's insults short-circuited her fuse.

Fu Renshu choked and watched her in horror.

What is that dumb woman doing!?

Ruomei also had the same thoughts as Fu Renshu. She watched her in disbelief as she challenged the Old Madam, now twice.

But the most dumbstruck here was none other than Jiang Weizhe. He rapidly blinked his eyes at her and tilted his head.

Why did she suddenly get so angry?

The Old Madam's voice thundered as she spoke, "What did you say?"

Lihua looked straight into her eyes and said, "I said don't talk to him like that!"

Next chapter