

I rubbed my fingers crossed my eyes. My hurt like it has been set on fire. I adjusted my sunglasses to hide the dark circles around my eyes. I had a sleepless night. I couldn't shut my eyes close all night. I was up thinking about Brad, I couldn't keep him out of my head. And on top of it all. I have a new burden bestowed upon me, my mother.

She has become an unwanted nuisance in my life. She was discharged yesterday and she is currently lodging at Audrey's apartment.

I wanted to dump her in rehab to get her off my back but she refused to get help. She is a grow ass woman. I can't just compel her to do as I say and it is giving me headaches literally and figuratively because my head is bashing. It's like there are needles up my head.

Right now she is the last time on my mind. I will deal with her later. Probably figure out what to do with her.

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