
Vol. 4 - Chapter 65


Two Days Later

The half-demon's eyes blinked open, and she guessed that it was still very early into the morning, based on the severe cold in the air. For the past few days, every time Ash woke up, there was a small amount of determination burning under her skin. 

Today, however, for the first time in a while, Ash's body felt so heavy she was reluctant to even get out of bed. 

... Fuck. 

Closing her eyes again, Ash took a few seconds to just breathe, before she felt something across her stomach and looked down. 

Keiko had a hand over Ash's body. The Zayama was to her left, and as Ash looked over at her, she saw that the woman was still asleep. Facing her, Ash placed a hand on her cheek. 

