
Pending Doom

Three Hours Ago.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"Mullin, what's the matter?" Ander who stood quietly behind Mia noticed his friends change and couldn't help but subtly ask.

"Oh, it nothing. I thought I smelled something familiar, that's all." Mullin answered assuring his friend.

"Then is it something I should know so we could take care of it."

"It's nothing man. Let's enjoy the bidding."

"Then why do you have that..."

"Guys, is anything the matter?" Mia couldn't but ask as she overheard the two over her shoulder bickering when they were quite a few minutes ago.

"Mullin over here..."

"Okay! I smelled something, but I can't quite recall what it is or where I've smelled it before. So there's no need to worry, it might not be that important, that's why I don't remember. So just chill, okay."Mullin smiled saying that last part to Mia. She giggled when he made a new pun with her.

Lorence seeing her giggle over whatever it was her bodyguard had said made him feel insecure. He had tried many approach, yet his damsel always leaves him in distress. He came closer to sit with Mia only to see her revert back to her cold and aloof self. This made him bleed in his heart, but he continued on.

"Mia, it isn't that you do not see anything that you like apart from the sword, is it?" Lorence asked with a warn smile on his face but bitterness was in his eyes. Mullin secretively shook his head at the young boy in love. When he was still lamenting young boys loss the stench came again, but this time it was so strong it made him feel nauseous... it made him remember what exactly the smell represents.

He turned to Ander only to see him staring daggers at him. He knows. Mullin thought to himself. Mullin was trying to look for an excuse to leave and take Mia and Ander away without anyone else following them out.

Just as he was trying to formulate a plan Ander was already on his feet and taking Mia by the arm before proceeding to the door. They were out of time, he knew. They had to get as far away from this town as possible.

"Unhand her right this moment!" seeing such rough way Mia was rudely pulled Lorence and every other person in the boot drew their sword.

"Right, Mr lover boy. Mia ditch this..." Ander got interrupted my Lorence.

"I said unhand her at once. I won't be..."

"Lorence, I'm sorry but I have to leave. I am very grateful for your gift, I will forever cherish it. But I must leave at once." Mia said, this time not even waiting for a response. She stepped out of the boot along with Ander and Mullin.

Lorence on the other hand felt a jolt within him. He felt betrayed, his heart pounded hard, really hard. 'So this is what rejection feels like'. Lorence thought. A minutes later his pounding heart calm, the pain and anguish vanished from his face. It became expressionless. Standing there for good knows how long, he said to himself four simple words - She will be mine.

Outside the building meanwhile, Mullin followed Ander who kept pulling Mia into an ally way a few blocks away.

"What's your problem Anderson?" Mullin asked when he see Ander stop.

"You lad, you! 'Something familiar'? Does that smell familiar to you, Mullin?" Ander shouted at his friends in anger.

"What's going on, guys?" Mia who was left out chimed in.

"Keep quiet, the adults are talking." Ander shouted at Mia then went back to facing Mullin still waiting for his answer.

"Look okay, you and I know that it has been a very long time since they last came to this land, how was I to know they were the same ones and they'll be coming back."said Mullin with a sigh.

"Who's coming?" Mia asked yet again.

"I said quiet!" yelled Ander pacing back and forth.

"I'm not a kid, you know? I deserve to know what it is that..." Mia's yelling made Ander's last straw of calm snap. He unleashed a fraction of his aura as a powerful Elemental Sword Saint.

"You deserve to know nothing child. So you will do as I say and shut your mouth." said Ander, his eyes released a golden-red divine splendor. It only retracted when Mullin placed a hand on his shoulder. Mia, however, wasn't in a good spot. She was currently on the ground grasping for air desperately. If it wasn't for Mullin calming Ander with his magic she could have fallen unconscious.

"Hah! I think we might even tell her, Ander. It could be a good training for her too." Mullin stepped forward and crouched down to pick her up, but she instinctively moved away from his reach. She was scared... Scared of her friends. "Mia, this city will soon fall under the attacks of some... people. They will destroy a lot of things in their way, and they only do this when they are looking for a target, luring a target or to threaten us. They are really powerful beings who don't belong to this world. But luckily for us they are weak... for now compared to those old monsters... *cough* Anyway what I'm saying is that we could use this opportunity to look for your prince charming..." while he kept Mia mentally occupied he creeped closer and placed a hand on her leg, "... He is your prince charming, isn't he? I just really hope it isn't that spoilt brat Louise, Larry... whatever his name was." his comment brought about a smile on Mia's face. It was thanks to his magic.

"I am truly sorry for my rude and insolent behaviour to you elder, I am willing to take punishment." Mia came up to Ander and bowed humbly. Seeing her so humble Ander couldn't help puffing his chest more and started stroking his thick beard to goad at the moment. A knock to the head from Mullin brought him back.

"Oh please, get up. If you are scared shitless just by tasting a fraction of my strength I wonder what will happen if Mullin was to give out the same fraction, haha. Come on, we've got you moving target practice dummy's this time. You're going for training kid, get ready." after that he smiled and left the ally returning to his usual carefree manner. Mia was left to change into a more fitting attire for training. Her battle armour.

They boarded a carriage and sped towards the city gates. Along the way both Mullin and Ander filmed Mia in with everything she needed to know about what she was about to face once they reach the gates.

"Wait, wait wait. Are you saying you guys aren't going to join the battle? By the way you've been going on about these things, I believe they are really powerful and considering your strength you could probably finish it off in no time." Mia quizzed.

"Hahaha! Of course we could. In fact I bet I'll be enough to eradicate the entire battle field in minutes but... we are restricted."

"What does that even... you know what, forget it."

The atmosphere in the carriage was jovial despite the pending doom waiting once they step out in a distance ahead.

Elemental Swordsman - A skilled Swordsman capable of wielding one type of elemental magic.

Elemental Knight - A skilled Swordsman that is capable of wielding dual elements.

Elemental Sword Saint - (Ability unknown)

...To know about the prowess of an Elemental Sword Saint.... keep reading.

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