
Victory and Trophies

The enemies who had dispersed into the houses and were smashing the premises inside were entrusted to the care of the assassins. Three assassins could successfully take out three enemies.

Lee Long jumped out into the street next to the doors of the settlement's two most useful buildings. He immediately attracted the attention of the monsters. But the attack of multiple enemies turned into a pathetic crowd of dumb creatures that tried to hit one enemy at a time. It is impossible to crush with a mass a man who is five times stronger and more resilient. A crowd of children can't seriously threaten a grown, healthy man. Lee wasn't worried about getting lightly wounded. He used healing and could count on his excellent armor. There were undoubted benefits from attacking bosses. Lee began to get a lot of valuable trophies. It had been a long time since he had spent experience in a store to buy good artifacts to protect his body.
