
May 14

"Can you tell me what is happening here?" said Lu.

"OH! you..." I dragged Lu out to the balcony and told him what happened.

"Really... So now what?" he asked.

"We have to take the steps to not let Little Nuo get hurt," I said.

"Dude, I think this is serious than we thought..."

"You mean?"

"if that name could make Little Nuo unconscious just think if she saw Andy in real life"

Then only I realized the biggest worry that Genghis has. I looked at my friend. I saw him wiping off a tear while bending down near her.

"Genghis, let's talk outside," I asked him.

"Can you tell us every detail so we can get ready and discuss a proper plan?"


I asked our maid to be near Nuo and I asked my dad to call his friend, who is the head of the provincial police department to join us. Because I thought he can give us some idea on how to handle the future situations.

Police office Wang (Uncle Wang) asked Genghis to tell the story from the start and the key points. He was definitely able to figure out all these were all hate attacks.

"Genghis, when did this last attack happen to Nuo?" asked Uncle Wang.

"Hmm... on May 14th..."

"Is there any connection or special meaning on that day?"

We all looked at Genghis, who was thinking about a connection.

"Mom I cannot think of anything special. Did you know anything?" asked Genghis.

"Oh yes...She was going to get her first printed copy of the book she wrote," said Aunt Zhou.

"What?" asked Genghis.

"She wanted to surprise you with the book she wrote. So she asked me not to tell you."

"Then by any chance did Andy know about this?" asked Uncle Wang.

"She might have heard me talk with the publisher over the phone. Because she entered the living room at the same time," said Aunt Zhou.

"When was that mom?"

"I guess two or three days before this happened. And I remember Andy acting a bit strange that day too," said Aunty Zhou.

"I had dinner with her that night, and Andy asked me if I will love Nuo more than her," said Genghis.

"What did you say to her?" asked Lu.

"I just told her that my love Nuoo and her are different and it's not easy to explain," said Genghis blankly. "And she got mad about it and left. I didn't have any contact with her till Nuo's accident."

"I Do have a bad feeling about this," said Yin after thinking for a while.

"Sir, Ma'MA" shouted the maid who was with Nuo. We all rushed to her side. She was having some nightmare and she was reacting to it.

"Nuo... it's ok love... shhh...." Genghis held her tight with a few soft kisses on her forehead, that calmed her down slowly.

"She used to have these, and only Genghis was able to calm her down," said uncle Zhou.

Yin, myself, and Lu saw how pathetic Genghis was. He was in so much pain that he never wanted to tell anyone. I went to him and sat beside him while patting his back not knowing what else to do.

While others got together and talked with uncle Wang I stayed with Genghis. I asked a maid to bring some hot tea for him. Suddenly his assistant called, I answered as he was not in a mood.

"Hello," I said.

"May I talk with Mr.Genghis?" Chen asked.

"I am sorry he will not be able to answer. Is there something urgent at the office?"

"Hmm... My boss has to join a meeting today with a hotel chain design project. I don't think we'll be able to cancel this." he said.

"Ok. may I know the time and the place for the meeting, I will come with him. You meet us there."

"Are you his neighbor and old friend Mr. Lan?" he asked.

"Yes, sorry I forgot to introduce myself before."

"Is my boss alright?"

"His sister suddenly got ill," I said and I knew Chen understands what it meant.

After the call, I arranged for Yìchén to join me and Genghis to go to the interview, while Lu took charge of the security measures at home.

Fortunately, the client was someone I had worked with previously. As soon as we got there I went to meet Thomas the person we are supposed to meet.

"Hi, Lan"

"After some time Thomas. How are you?"

"I am good. What are you doing here?"

"Actually I know you have a meeting now with Genghis?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"He is my neighbor and my childhood best friend"

"Oh. Really... that's great. So you came with him?"

"Hmm... Yìchén also came along. But before the meeting can I talk to you for a second?

"Yes sure. What is it?"

"Genghis just had a bit of a personal issue, and he is really down right now."

"Oh my .. what happened ?"

"His sister had been in an accident about two years ago and she had barely recovered. But something happened yesterday that made her situation get worse."

"hmm... if that's the issue we'll cancel the meeting today and meet up on another day."

"Thank you, but we can have the meeting Yìchén and I will help Genghis during this time period with his work. I hope you won't mind, Thomas?"

"WOW!! I'll be really happy to work with the three of you. So is this good news of you three working together?"

"Yes, you will be our first client if this goes right," I said while shaking hands with him and going to the meeting room to meet the others.

Even though Genghis didn't say much, he listened and input his ideas here and there. After a few hours, the meeting concluded with a positive outcome to meet again in two weeks with the design concepts.

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