
Fight that turns bloody

"The time has come for me to plant the precious fireworks!" Fang Shirong smiled as he run towards one of the first leg of the tower to the left. "Open Inventory," he whispered after that he tapped the slot for the C45 explosives. After tapping it, the explosives materialize in front of him. "Alright time to set this bomb for my detonator."

Fang Shirong smiled. While he was planting the explosive, he also heard some gunshots from the stairs. "Another dance is it?" he questioned while he already planted the 1st explosive at one leg of the propaganda tower.

And when the door opened, Fang Shirong stood up and there he saw Han Zian. The confusion runs through his mind and asked Han Zian, "What are you even doing here?" Fang Shirong was like shocked and did not expect to see Han Zian to follow him.

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